My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 566

The habitat family also heard the news of artificial hatching of late croaker.

One by one, this is wishful thinking.

In a word, no one believes that belfry can hatch their eggs by themselves.

Qishuipei also bet with his two brothers, "if the fourth sister-in-law can hatch those eggs, my name will be read backwards."

As for whether the name will be read backwards, it still needs time to witness.

The time of artificial incubation is not short. It takes ten days and a half months anyway.

During this period, the fire in the Kang cave can\'t be cut off, so we need to prepare a lot of firewood in advance.

In fact, when qixingyun comes back every afternoon, he pulls a cart of branches on the mountain, so he doesn\'t worry about firewood at home.

These are left over when cutting down trees. There is a lot of surplus on the mountain.

Qixingyun still comes back for lunch every day.

Just came back earlier than before.

Chi Ziyu knew that he didn\'t want to see the longan woman again, so he avoided her every day.

Chi Ziyu made fun of Qi Xingyun and said, "Miss longan is so terrible. I haven\'t seen you go home so actively before."

Qixingyun laughed it off.

I haven\'t seen longan on the mountain for three consecutive days. I\'m so upset that I can\'t sit still at last.

You can\'t just sit back and die in this way.

Otherwise qixingyun will never be hooked by her.

It doesn\'t matter if he doesn\'t catch her now. After all, two people who are not familiar with each other really don\'t have much to talk about.

Opportunities still depend on people themselves.

Longan came to Qijia and specially asked Wang about his situation.

She and Wang had already colluded with each other because of qixingyun.

Privately, Wang affectionately called her future daughter-in-law.

Although longan doesn\'t care what people call her future mother-in-law, she obviously regards herself as a member of the habitat.

"Aunt Qi, brother Qi doesn\'t seem to like to talk to outsiders. I wanted to talk to him several times, but he explicitly refused." Longan said regretfully.

"It\'s okay. It\'s normal. He\'s so dead, but in fact, if you want to get along with him for a long time, you\'ll find that he\'s not so quiet.

Especially for women, you talk a lot. If you become his daughter-in-law in the future, he will pester you every day. " Wang said.

"Really?" Longan was very excited, "but I can\'t find a chance to get along with him. He stays on the mountain every day. I can\'t stay on the mountain all day like him."

Wang had long expected such a result.

Previously, she also arranged Xu Bingbing and Qi Xingyun in this way. Finally, Xu Bingbing had an accident and couldn\'t stay in the village. This matter was still settled.

"Don\'t be sad. I\'ve already figured out a way for you. Later, you do it according to my way. Take care of it. You\'ll marry us immediately.

We don\'t want to fall in love at first sight. We\'d better become close as soon as possible and fall in love over time.

Just like the old fourth daughter-in-law before, she had a bad relationship with the old fourth, and now she\'s not as good. "

"What\'s the way?"

"Come here and I\'ll whisper to you."

"Yes." Longan obediently put his ear to the past.


There are many ponds in Yunshui village, large and small.

Longan finally found one.

According to Wang, qixingyun will bring his donkey back from the ground every afternoon.

So longan waited early by a pond he had to pass.