My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 565

"No......" Guisheng was still young and foolish. He didn\'t know anything about it at all.

"So don\'t think your sister I\'m delusional. At least I was once a flower in the village. So many people chased me. I was so excellent that I didn\'t look like Qi Laosi."

Guisheng has no city government. Listening to the wind is rain.

Longan said so firmly. Guisheng thought it was very interesting.

After all, Renqi\'s parents have spoken.

There\'s nothing more authoritative than a mother\'s voice.

If a mother-in-law doesn\'t like her daughter-in-law, she has the right to divorce or remarry her son.

Guisheng had a beautiful reverie and said with a smile, "if this is true, won\'t you be our sister-in-law again?"

Longan looked at him angrily and said proudly, "no, as long as I successfully married your boss, the mountain and the money he earned in the future will belong to our family."

Guisheng was excited. "Did you make a deal with the boss?"

"I won\'t say. As long as I associate with him, we will be engaged."

"Then... What is communication?"

"Is to find more opportunities to contact your boss." Longan said shyly, "you think I\'m just delivering food to you when I go up the mountain every day. I\'m still going to see your boss."

"Wow... You are such a person. You haven\'t married yet. Your arms and elbows turn towards our boss every day. I\'ll speak ill of you later."

"I\'m not afraid. My mother supports me very much. She wants me to get on with your boss right away, but which pair of lovers don\'t get along slowly. I have to take my time."

"Well, sister, where you need my help in the future, you must tell me, and I will bring you two together."

Longan nodded shyly, "HMM."

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun spent most of the noon together.

In the end, Chi Ziyu pushed away qixingyun and adjusted his clothes. He finally got away and went down the mountain.

Longan had already gone home when she went down the mountain.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t pay much attention to this woman because she believed in qixingyun.

But for any woman who tries to get close to her man, she has to mention a line of defense.

It seems that we have to walk more on the mountain in the future and brush our sense of existence, so that some people who don\'t appreciate it will deliberately pretend to be blind and treat qixingyun as a lonely family.


This day, Chi Ziyu went back and rearranged the Kang in the incubator.

The Kang was covered with a quilt.

The incubation bed was covered with kraft paper and dry thatch.

After making all the preparations, Chi Ziyu began to light the Kang.

She didn\'t put the eggs on the Kang for the time being. She just burned the Kang, heated the whole Kang, and came to feel the temperature on the Kang from time to time.

Whether it meets her requirements for incubation environment.

If the temperature is easily too high, she has to find a way to lower it.

Fortunately, Chi Ziyu did a good job in preparation.

The Kang burned all day and night. When Chi Ziyu went to feel the temperature again, it was still as stable as before.

This almost meets the requirements of late fish.

Chi Ziyu tried to put the first batch of mountain eggs into the incubator and start hatching.

To be on the safe side, the quantity of the first batch is not large. If you don\'t grasp the temperature when you get it, you\'ll burn your eggs.