My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 564

Longan came back to Guisheng with a crying nose.

GUI Sheng was puzzled. "Sister, what\'s the matter with you? Why are your eyes red? Are you crying?"

Longan wiped his eyes and said as if nothing had happened, "no, maybe the wind and sand have lost his eyes."

She suddenly remembered those heartless words qixingyun said to herself.

It really hurts.

He didn\'t give her any face.

Any girl\'s family will be very sad to hear such words.

Why doesn\'t Qi Xingyun know how to cherish jade?

GUI Sheng didn\'t think much, but instead said, "sister, your cooking is really delicious, better than our mother\'s cooking. Whoever wants to marry you later must be his blessing."

Longan reluctantly smiled, "what kind of men do you think would like in a girl\'s house like my sister?"

GUI Sheng thought for a moment and said, "sister, you are smart and beautiful. There must be many men who like you. Let my mother tell you a few later, and you can choose the best one to live."

"I also know I\'m smart and beautiful." Longan sighed, "but I\'m just a little older than other girls."

"Sister, you don\'t have to worry. It\'s nothing. You look good and cook good dishes. Just find someone older than you who will hurt people. I believe many people like you."

"Do you think your boss is suitable for me?" Longan suddenly said.

"Ah?" Guisheng was stunned. "Sister, why do you suddenly ask this? Our boss has married his daughter-in-law. Sister-in-law is the fourth daughter of the Chi family. Have you forgotten?"

"Of course I didn\'t forget. I just asked. Do you think I deserve your boss according to my beauty and intelligence?"

"That\'s for sure." Guisheng said, "it\'s just that the boss has married his daughter-in-law..."

Being worthy is one thing, but having a family is another.

Guisheng suddenly doesn\'t understand his sister\'s thinking.

"What are you afraid of?" Longan was going to kill the fish and break the net. It doesn\'t matter, "your boss is the one who wants to do great things. You say that the man who does great things in the world is not three wives and six concubines.

Even the emperor of Beiye has three palaces and seventy-two courts. What\'s it worth for Qi Laosi to marry more women? I\'m not convinced that the daughter of the Chi family should possess him alone.

I am more lovely and gentle than the woman in the Chi family. I can do what she can do. Any old man in the village doesn\'t praise me and says I\'m likable.

Moreover, in the past, there were a lot of people chasing me in the village. My conditions were so good that it was more than enough to match the old four. It was his blessing that he could be liked by me. "

"Sister, what are you thinking?" Guisheng didn\'t expect that longan\'s mind was filled with these.

Longan simply had a showdown with him, "I tell you, Last Dragon Boat Festival, my cousin came to our house to find me. She told me and my mother that she wanted to introduce me to someone. The other party was Qi Laosi.

Moreover, aunt Qi, the mother of old four Qi, pointed out that she wanted me to marry, and she would still be a flat wife with Chi Ziyu. You see, aunt Qi thinks highly of me, which shows that I\'m not bad at all.

My mother and I agreed to this. Later, aunt Qi came to me and said that I hoped I could find more opportunities to contact old four Qi.

As long as I have a good relationship with Qi Laosi, she will marry us and I can officially become their home. "