My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 563

Qixingyun played with a wisp of her green silk with great interest and said seriously, "no, generally no accident. I can go home at noon every day. You don\'t have to be so troublesome."

"But you\'ve worked hard enough on the mountain every day. I don\'t want you to run around for food every day."

"It\'s a hard time for us to live better in the future. When the mountain things stabilize, I won\'t be so busy."

"But I don\'t think anyone can deliver food to her brother every day..." why can\'t she deliver it.

Chi Ziyu\'s mouth soon exposed.

Qixingyun gave a long "Oh" and said with a smile, "so you care about this?"

Chi Ziyu blushed, "no, what\'s wrong with a little girl who overestimates herself.

I\'m not afraid you work too hard. You see, other girls can go up the mountain to deliver meals. Why can\'t I? "

"Other people\'s homes are other people\'s homes, but our home is not other people\'s homes. I can\'t bear to let my woman suffer in the sun every day. Look at you. You just came here today. Your face is red."

"It\'s not sunburnt..."

"Oh? That\'s their own red."

Chi Ziyu was speechless and said, "No. if you make fun of me again, I really ignore you."

"Be obedient. In half a month, things will not be as much as they are now. Then we\'ll go to the city and find a better store."


Qixingyun pondered for a while, patted her head and asked, "I\'m not around you these days. Do you want me?"

"No, I can see it every morning, noon and evening... Ouch, hahaha... Why do you scratch me?"

Chi Ziyu didn\'t want to laugh, but Qi Xingyun scratched and laughed.

"Just ask you, do you want to?"

Qixingyun is more serious. She still puts her hand in her creaking nest and is ready to scratch her at any time.

Chi Ziyu had no choice but to annoy him. After all, he puffed a smile. "I\'m childish. Take away your hands and move in broad daylight. It\'s really unspeakable."

"You haven\'t answered me yet."


"If you don\'t say it or not, I\'m not polite."

"What do you want? It\'s outside."

Qixingyun raised his eyebrows. "Outside? This is my territory. How can I be outside? I can\'t do what others want."

Seeing his lips smiling and eyes deepening, Chi Ziyu quickly broke away from his arms, "don\'t fool around. There are people outside."


Qixingyun refused to let go of her. Chi Ziyu didn\'t struggle too much, but stared at him angrily.

"Don\'t make fun of me."

Qixingyun smiled, nodded his cheek and said, "if you kiss here, I\'ll let you go."


"Hurry up."



Qixingyun\'s eyebrows immediately picked up unhappily, like a child who can\'t eat sugar.

Chi Ziyu straightened up reluctantly and put his lips together.

He was going to take a sip of incense on his side face, but qixingyun suddenly turned his face around.

Chi Ziyu\'s lips just touched his softness.

Chi Ziyu was stunned.

Qixingyun\'s eyes are full of laughter. It is obvious that he is here to wait for her.

Chi Ziyu\'s Willow eyebrows erect before he pretends to be angry.

Qixingyun hugged her without saying a word and deepened the kiss affectionately.
