My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 562

"OK." Chi Ziyu was naturally happy. "In fact, I have an idea. Should we plant some flowers under the tree?

I just came over and saw the grass under the tree. I think it looks a little monotonous. I think we can plant some beautiful flowers.

It\'s better to set up a few more small pavilions. Oh, by the way, we should also set up more stone tables and benches. At that time, people can rest when they are tired. "

"According to you, our orchard will be used to provide rest for outsiders in the future?"

"Not just." Chi Ziyu began to wander aimlessly. "Before, the city Lord said they wanted to come to us to pick fruit and eat. I just thought of one thing.

Can we develop our orchard into selling fruit while providing people to come in and pick the fruit they like to eat.

If you are tired of picking, you can rest in our orchard. We will charge some admission fees. Of course, if they want to take the fruit back, we will add extra money. "

Qixingyun thought, "that\'s a good idea. If we really want to provide others to pick fruit, we have to repair all the roads on the mountain."

"Cobblestone roads, bluestone roads, and wooden boards are OK in some places.

The road should not be too straight. We can build more curved ones. They look casual, but they can lead to all places.

Then drive some round stakes on both sides of the road to be a fence, and plant a lot of beautiful flowers and grass along the road. "

"Good. I just wanted to plant trees before. I didn\'t think of it at all." Qixingyun feels ashamed.

"It\'s all right. Anyway, we haven\'t finished our orchard. We can continue to improve where we should improve."


"Don\'t patronize and listen to me. The dishes are going to be cold. I\'m just thinking. I can\'t do it alone without your action."

"I\'ll book some stones and stakes later. If there are flowers and plants, you can pick them and plant anything." Qixingyun said while eating.

"OK, then I\'ll pick flowers and plants. You remember that the stakes should not be too high and shorter."


Chi Ziyu thought again, "let\'s just open the orchard. In this way, we have to separate our orchard from the medicinal garden with a wall."


"That\'s all for now. I\'m burning my brain by our Kang hatching method. I open and close my eyes every day and wonder how to provide the same environment as a hen hatching eggs. It\'s really tormenting my head."

"Try putting some eggs first. If it\'s feasible, slowly increase the quantity. If there\'s a problem, tell me. We\'ll find a solution together later."

"Uh huh."

They are very serious when discussing business every day. They must solve the business before they want to enjoy their leisure.

"Come on, have a piece of fried meat with plum vegetables." Qixingyun put a pinch of fried meat with plum vegetables to her mouth.

Chi Ziyu opened his mouth without hesitation.

In fact, she is not hungry. She just wants to eat with qixingyun.

"What I cook is delicious." Chi Ziyu complacent.

"Would you like some fried belly?"

"Yes, so do tofu."

The two of them ate you and me one mouthful at a time.

It\'s a pity that Chi Ziyu brought a lot of dishes, otherwise she would have pulled them all.

"I\'ll come and bring you dinner every day in the future." After the meal, Chi Zi fish nest in qixingyun\'s arms.