My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 561

She just came completely quietly.

I happened to see a woman talking to Qi Xingyun. Chi Ziyu didn\'t follow her wisely.

But curiosity made her listen to the corner.

"I\'m here to deliver food to you. You don\'t come back for lunch. You must be hungry." Chi Ziyu asked with a smile.

Qixingyun glanced at the food box in her hand, "Why are you here?"

"I went to the market in the morning, bought some vegetables and meat, and cooked dinner as soon as I came back at noon. As a result, I went to listen to my second brother say that you didn\'t come back for dinner today, so I brought it to you myself." Said the fish.

Qixingyun reached out and touched her hot head. "Let\'s go and find a cool place to sit down."

"Well." Chi Ziyu jumped to keep up.

"That girl just looked like the longan girl of the GUI family." Chi Ziyu deliberately pretended to be confused.

"Well, she came to deliver food to her brother."

"She comes every day?"

"Almost. You focus on what she does."

"Nothing. I\'m just curious. The sun is so big at noon. She runs up and down every day. She doesn\'t feel flustered."

Chi Ziyu seldom came here at noon today without a straw hat. He obviously felt that his hair was going to be scorched by the sun.

It can be imagined how hard they work every day.

Recently, her family has become tired and thin.

"So, I didn\'t say to ask my eldest brother to bring food. Don\'t come here. You don\'t listen. Look back, you don\'t take off a layer of skin." Qixingyun is helpless.

"I put on sunscreen. I\'m not afraid. It\'s you. You really have to worry about getting sunburned when you run around in the sun every day."

"My skin is rough and my flesh is thick. I\'m not afraid of these."

"Then I\'m not afraid."

"Just rest here." Qixingyun suddenly pointed to a lounge.


Fortunately, there was no one inside, otherwise it would be more embarrassing.

Chi Ziyu took out the meals in the box, listed them, and said, "today I made fried meat with plum vegetables, fried pork tripe, and fried tofu. By the way, I also boiled mung bean soup to reduce the fire."

Mung bean soup is packed in bamboo tubes.

This is a tea kettle made by Chi Ziyu himself. It has a cork. It\'s not easy to spill soup.

"Our tremella and fungus should be able to pick and eat." Qi Xingyun said.

"Well, I\'ll go back and have a look this afternoon. If I can pick it, I\'ll boil a bucket of tremella lotus seed soup and come to the mountain as a reward."

"Yes." Qixingyun smiled, nodded and said, "what did you do in the street today?"

"I bought some quilts. As I told you before, they were used to heat the Kang. I also bought kraft paper and two pairs of shoes for you. You run on the mountain every day, and your shoes break too fast."

If Chi Ziyu takes his shoes by hand, I\'m afraid he\'s busy taking his shoes every day.

"Now the fruit trees here are almost planted, and there is still a need to plant medicinal materials. The people in the medicinal material shop said that they would send me medicinal seedlings and seeds these days."

"Then you\'re still very fast. I haven\'t come here for a few days. I found that everything here has changed greatly. I almost didn\'t recognize it." Late roe path.

"How do you feel?"

"Of course, it\'s very good. The orchard planned by my man can\'t be good. I\'ll wait to pick fruit in the mountain next year." Chi Ziyu is particularly proud.

"When we have saved enough money in the future, we will dish down the mountains behind us and plant them."