My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 560

These excellent qualities really attract him gold.

And longan has heard that qixingyun is not bad in nature, not as bad as everyone said at the beginning.

He is actually very kind to women\'s family. He doesn\'t beat or scold, and even dotes on them.

It is said that he dotes on his sister-in-law very much. He and his sister-in-law have a good time every day.

At that time, longan was lamenting that such a good man, why did everyone slander him before

Why didn\'t she take a fancy to him at the beginning? If they were together at the beginning, now the one who mixed honey with him is himself.

She was not ugly. When she was young, she was still picking on men with her beautiful appearance. She refused to marry until she began to be filial, and she couldn\'t marry.

The early migratory clouds had never been in her consideration.

Longan regretted it. She thought she would never have a chance again.

As a result, I heard that Aunt Qijia was not happy with Qi\'s fourth daughter-in-law and wanted to marry him again.

Longan immediately felt that life was full of hope.

She also wants to respect Qi Xingyun and raise her eyebrows.

She didn\'t care that he had a wife.

As long as she treats her well from now on and gives her the happiest life, she will be satisfied with everything.

Her wish is not big. She hopes qixingyun can accept her.

Moreover, in their Beiye, it is common for men to have three wives and four concubines.

Longan never thought that its appearance would bring any trouble to Chi Ziyu.

She doesn\'t mind sharing a man with Chi Ziyu.

She believed that with her appearance and gentle and considerate nature, she would surpass the Chi Zi fish.

However, in fact, qixingyun doesn\'t seem very interested in her.

Longan thought maybe they were not familiar enough.

At the beginning, Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun also collided by mistake. They got along slowly.

Mutual understanding will always grow in love over time.

"Brother Qi, you talk."

After waiting for a long time, longan still didn\'t wait for qixingyun\'s answer. Longan was a little anxious.

"Get out."

Caught off guard, "..."

Longan\'s eyes turned red and asked wrongfully, "brother Qi, am I particularly disgusting to you?"

There was an obvious cry in his voice.

Her voice was sweet. It brought a little cry. It sounded like a bit of pear rain. It was very distressing.


I have to say, Qi Xingyun is too straight.

It hurts a girl.

Hiding behind a tree and listening to the Chi Zi fish in the corner of the wall, I can\'t bear it.

How could he treat this girl like this? It suck.

Longan finally had nothing to say. Wiping tears and crying bitterly, he turned and left.

Qixingyun still didn\'t even look back.

With your hands on your back, he said aloud, "come out. Listening to the corner is what you can do."

Chi Ziyu\'s heart clicked.

He found himself?

When did you find it?

Chi Ziyu chose a strong tree specially, which can just block her figure.

After thinking about it, Chi Ziyu still felt that Qi Xingyun was not talking about himself.

There must be someone else listening to the corner.

She can\'t stand up and admit it, or she\'ll look too mean.

He came to spy on his husband.

As a result, Chi Ziyu, who was still lucky, let Qi Xingyun carry it out easily.

"Ah... I really didn\'t eavesdrop..."

Chi Ziyu was surprised and almost wanted to cry without tears.

God knows qixingyun is so fine!