My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 559

"He has a good foundation and is not afraid to be exposed to the sun. He is not like us. Once exposed to the sun, he will be black and his skin will be broken."

Longan smiled and stopped talking.

"All right, let\'s hurry to dinner. Miss longan certainly doesn\'t want to talk to us." People are interesting.

"Oh... I see. OK, let\'s go quickly and don\'t disturb you."

"Hey, hey... Boss, you should treat Miss longan well."

As a man, he always agrees with women.

When they left, there were only Qihang clouds and longan.

Qixingyun closes the account book and means to go.

Longan hurriedly called him, "brother Qi, where are you going? Don\'t you go home for dinner?"

"My big brother will bring it to me."

"Then why don\'t you go home? It\'s still too late to go home. Anyway, you don\'t live far." Longan on the way.


Qixingyun walked forward, and longan couldn\'t bear to follow him.

"Brother Qi, how do I feel that you don\'t like talking to me every time?"

He says more to a man than she does.

"There\'s nothing to say."

The truth.

The heart of longan is broken.

Longan thought he would euphemistically say, "no, I just don\'t know what to say..."

"Brother Qi is busy on the mountain alone these days. Why doesn\'t my sister-in-law know to come and help?"

Longan is both envious and jealous of the existence of Chi Ziyu\'s sister-in-law, and has some dissatisfaction.

She enjoys happiness every day at home, but her man is running around in the mountains. I don\'t know how tiring it is.

Why doesn\'t Chi Ziyu know that he loves brother Qi\'s hard work and doesn\'t even send rice to his husband?


"Brother Qi, your orchard is getting better and better. Did you think of it all by yourself?"


Longan was so anxious that she scratched her ears and cheeks, "brother Qi, can\'t you wait for me? Where are you going? I also want to go around with you..."


"I\'m just fine." Longan said with a smile, "anyway, brother Qi, you don\'t go home. I\'ll walk around with you and have a look."

Qixingyun still ignored her.

Longan can only follow him as far as possible. In addition, it is a mountain road, which is difficult to walk.

Longan is panting.

"Brother Qi, can you walk slowly? I won\'t move again."

"I didn\'t let you talk to me."

"But I like..."

"At will."

Longan was a little helpless. "Brother Qi, do you usually talk to your sister-in-law like this? Will your sister-in-law be angry?"

If she hadn\'t been infatuated, she would have been so angry.

She remembered that on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, the cousin suddenly came to her and said she wanted to introduce her to someone.

She said she had delayed so long and was not young. It was time to talk about marriage.

Longan is naturally promised.

In fact, she\'s worried about getting married.

She\'s not ugly, even cute, but she shouldn\'t be delayed by filial piety for several years.

So that she has become an older leftover woman in the eyes of others, and is not as popular as a little girl.

Cousin told her that the object was no one else, just qixingyun.

At that time, longan heard qixingyun\'s shocking deeds from Guisheng.

Guisheng\'s description of qixingyun is very pale and disdainful, but longan feels a charm of qixingyun that others don\'t have from between the lines.

His accurate judgment, excellent courage, and breakthrough ideas