My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 558

It\'s no wonder that people can have this ability. With the consent of the city Lord, they only need to tell the truth and command the overall situation every day.

And they can only earn their boss\'s money by working hard.

Longan nodded. "Your boss is really powerful... You eat first, I\'ll go out for a walk."

"Where are you going? Don\'t get lost."

"No, I\'ll be back soon."

"That\'s OK."

Longan went out alone.

Follow the direction Guisheng pointed out just now and go straight along the path.

Go straight to the fork of the path and the road.

Longan heard several men shouting from a distance.

Under the direction of qixingyun, the men loaded the last few cars of elm today.

Because the people in the timber shop will inspect the goods this afternoon, these timber will be delivered at noon.

Qixingyun specially left some men who didn\'t go home for dinner to help.

Their wages are calculated separately for loading, which does not affect the wages of the day, and the rest time at noon can be extended appropriately.

When longan walked past, the scooter was installed, and people were preparing to pull it down.

"Everyone has worked hard. You all go back to dinner. You can come to work later today." Qixingyun road.

"OK, boss, let\'s go back first."


Now everyone likes to call Guanqi Xingyun the boss instead of the fourth.

Maybe qixingyun usually has a fair and strict discipline and a hard fist.

People work with money under his hands again, so they don\'t dare to fool around.

"Oh, Miss longan is coming." A man saw longan coming with sharp eyes and suddenly said.

Everyone looked at it. Only qixingyun bowed his head and checked the amount of materials on the account book.

By the way, he is still his own general ledger

Longan was a little embarrassed to be stared at by everyone, so he deliberately lowered the straw hat.

Some shyly opened, "I\'ll deliver dinner to my brother. I\'m a little bored, so I\'ll come and walk."

With that, longan also glanced at qixingyun intentionally or unintentionally.

Qixingyun just looked down at her and didn\'t look at her at all.

Several men nearby are idle and bored. Seeing this, they can\'t help but play a prank.

Someone smiled meaningfully, "boss, Miss longan is coming."

Qixingyun remained unmoved.

It is well known that longan girl runs up the mountain against the sun at noon every day.

After all, the whole mountain sees black men every day. It\'s rare to see a little girl like longan.

Girls are always the brightest in such a wild place.

But everyone can see it.

Longan girl doesn\'t deliver rice to her brother. It\'s obvious that she took the opportunity to find Qi Laosi.

Qi Laosi leaves work late at noon every day. Just every time longan comes, he is on the mountain.

They haven\'t met each other much, but they haven\'t talked much.

The only thing I said was that longan asked Qixing where Yun Guisheng was.

"Miss longan, you run up the mountain every day, and you\'re not afraid to sunburn yourself." Someone joked.

Longan blushed. "I have a hat."

"It\'s no use wearing a hat. It\'s summer now. You\'d better stay at home every day, or you\'ll be tanned like us."

"No." Longan looked at them seriously, and finally said shyly, "I don\'t think brother Qi has a tan."

His skin was still healthy wheat color, and the hot sun only made crystal sweat on his face.