My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 557

There are several lounges not only beside the gate, but also inside the mountain.

Not only for these helpers today, but also for fruit picking and rest in the future.

A little girl wearing a straw hat shuttled through the sparse and low woods alone.

The sun was burning on her head.

The light is so dazzling that people don\'t even dare to lift their heads.

Although the mountain road has been repaired, there are still many dead branches and leaves left in the way.

Longan wearing a pink tassel dress, walking around the mountain is always inconvenient.

Longan has to carry her skirt and be careful in the mountains and forests.

I\'m afraid of getting my shoes dirty, and I\'m afraid that my new skirt will be cut by a branch.

"Guisheng, I brought you rice."

Longan finally found his brother Guisheng in a mountain lounge.

Guisheng was lying on the board, his legs crossed and his mouth whistled.

A person amuses himself.

Hearing the speech, he immediately jumped up and said excitedly, "sister, you\'re finally here. I\'m starving to death."

There is no one else in this lounge. Guisheng is alone.

"I brought you your favorite fried soybeans and shredded mustard." Longan said.

"Well, it\'s very kind of you, sister!"

Guisheng can\'t wait to open the food box and bring out the food for dinner.

Longan looked around and suddenly asked, "Guisheng, did your boss go home early today? Why didn\'t I see anyone else along the way?"

Guisheng ate the meal with relish.

For the hungry people, any food that reaches the mouth today, even if it is ordinary, is delicious in the world.

He puffed his cheeks full of food and said, "our boss and some people are loading cars and haven\'t finished yet."

"Where to load the truck?"

"Just go out from here, not far, on the main road." Guisheng pointed in the direction, "sister, what do you ask our boss to do?"

Longan smiled. There were two small dimples on her face like a small steamed stuffed bun. It was very cute.

"No, I\'m just curious. Ask." Longan said, "I find your boss very diligent. Everyone else has gone home for dinner, but he hasn\'t come home yet."

"Yes, our boss is more serious than us.

To tell you the truth, I really didn\'t see that our boss was such a serious person before. What\'s that saying

Meticulous, yes, meticulous! He planned our mountains alone.

I\'ve seen his drawings. The painting is so good that I don\'t know where he learned it.

Do you also find that the mountains here are getting better and better? I have a special feeling. It\'s the first time I\'ve seen a real orchard.

When these fruit trees grow up, the fruit of the mountain will be very spectacular. Our boss is really great. He is so powerful. "

When it comes to qixingyun, Guisheng is full of worship.

Qixingyun is only a few years older than him. They are all young men, but their ideas are thoughtful and far sighted.

Moreover, people\'s temper is not as grumpy as they mistakenly think. He is just a little more strict.

And the conversation, GUI Sheng and the people who came to help, really found that Qi Xingyun\'s eloquence was so good for the first time.

It\'s not that he doesn\'t like talking, he just doesn\'t like gossiping.

He talks a lot about serious things, and every sentence goes straight to the point.

This really makes them these laymen convinced and ashamed.