My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 556

"You\'re so kind to old four. Can you stand him being so heartless and giving you the whole beautiful concubine back to abuse you?"


Until the golden point is reached, the rest is left to the Chi Zi fish to consider.

"Just think about it, sister-in-law. By the way, pack the food box quickly. I\'ll carry it to the fourth brother later."

"No." Chi Ziyu said, "I\'ll send it myself."

"No, it\'s noon now. The sun is very poisonous. Why are you going to the mountain? Be careful to take off the skin. Look at my face. It\'s peeling off.

Washing your face every day is like cutting with a knife. It hurts me to death. If you are so thin and tender, don\'t go. Anyway, I\'m on my way and can bring you rice. " Qi Duojin pointed to his fragile cheek and bluffed.

In fact, Qi Duojin\'s real intention is to steal a la carte on the way back.

Qixingyun didn\'t let qiduojin come back to send a message at the beginning. Qixingyun told qiduodi.

Because qiduodi and qiduojin came back together, qiduodi inadvertently revealed it on the way.

Qiduojin wanted to get some benefits from it. He volunteered to talk about it and let him leave this good job to himself.

This is an opportunity he took very hard. How could he be willing to miss it!

"Really not." Chi Ziyu smiled, "just as you said, I\'ll go to the mountain today to see how the longan girl looks."

"You\'re not as good-looking as your sister-in-law." Qiduojin immediately flattered, "it\'s just a good voice, like tickling. I don\'t know what old four sees in her.

A fairy like daughter-in-law at home doesn\'t want to. She has to stare outside. Tut, she has no eyes. I can\'t look at it. "


"Second brother, are you okay? Go back if you\'re okay. I have something else." Said the fish.

Qi Duojin was stunned, "that thing with rice..."

"I\'ll do it myself. Don\'t bother you, second brother."

"No trouble, it\'s really no trouble..." Qi Duojin suddenly realized that he had done a wrong thing.

"Thank you, No." Chi Ziyu has a firm attitude.

The hot sun makes cicadas sound endlessly.

There was no wind, the shadows of the trees did not move, and the weather was a little muggy.

The four mountain areas are almost the same.

Each mountain is divided into several square plates.

There is a wide avenue between plates. The avenue is zigzag, some curved and straight to the top of the mountain.

The interior of the plate has been artificially repositioned. Now it is in a regular ladder type, but the slope is gentle and green turf is planted on the slope.

In addition, several ditches have been built in the mountains.

Qixingyun plans to bring water to the high valley for irrigation.

Reservoir water diversion and valley water diversion complement each other.

From a distance, we can see the preliminary structure of the mountain.

Scattered all over the place.

Magnificent atmosphere.

A wall was built at the foot of the mountain, and there were several small houses inside the wall.

Warehouse, future servant room, and lounge.

The warehouse is the largest, and there are eight warehouses in total.

There are two gates at the foot of the mountain, and each gate has four warehouses.

There is also a warehouse in each of the four mountains for temporary storage.

At present, only the lounge is open to the outside world. There are several wooden beds, tables, stools and tools for cutting and planting trees.

Although it is simple, it is fully equipped.

Usually, before work or during noon break, everyone likes to sit or lie in the lounge.

Chatting and eating are OK.

This place is shaded, cool and suitable for rest.