My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 555

"It\'s here to walk, there to stroll and chat with others. We\'re much more free than you, I\'m afraid."

Qi Duojin knows that Chi Ziyu has been tossing about the hatchery recently, and he is also busy every day.

The two couples really don\'t know how to rest. They obviously have a lot of silver in their hands, but they toss themselves like a top every day. Be careful that they fall down after overwork one day.

Life is the most important thing, more important than money.

Money can\'t buy life.

Chi Ziyu doesn\'t believe Qi Duojin\'s nonsense. He shovels out the vegetables in the pot and puts them on the plate.

"Second brother, don\'t talk about these things. I don\'t know whether he is busy or not. I\'ve visited him several times. He\'s not as idle as you said."

"Well, don\'t believe it. You\'ll make an assault later. See if he\'s free."

Speaking of this, Qi Duojin just remembered something and smiled mysteriously, "sister-in-law, I can tell you something big."


"The fourth in your family has been lucky recently. Do you know?"

"Huh?" Chi Ziyu frowned and immediately drew a warning line in his heart.

Can it be true that Chi Zijiang\'s crow is right?

Qixingyun was on the mountain. She couldn\'t control him, so he began to do whatever he wanted?

Chi Ziyu thought about it, but he still thought it was impossible.

Qixingyun is not that kind of good-looking person at all. He doesn\'t look at the girl\'s house with his eyes when walking on the road.

Chi Duojin was so serious when he saw Chi Ziyu\'s reaction that he was shocked for a moment.

"I tell you not to believe it. It\'s true. All of us who work in the mountains know it." Qiduojin Bagua road.

"Let me tell you, you know Gui Yuan, the daughter of the GUI family. Her brother GUI Sheng also works with us. GUI Sheng doesn\'t go home for dinner every noon. Every day, Gui Yuan comes to the mountain to deliver food to him.

You also know that your fourth brother works late every day. He and the girl longan meet several times at noon every day. They still talk alone.

You don\'t know. The fourth person in your family has a good attitude when talking to miss longan. She\'s not as fierce as us.

Longan girl is only 20 years old this year. She hasn\'t married yet. The old four looks like a dog. The lonely men and women stay together every day, and they don\'t know what sparks to spark.

Your second brother is kind-hearted and specially reminds you. You see, the eldest brother doesn\'t tell you that he has a good relationship with the fourth, deliberately protects the fourth, and deceives you with the fourth. Tut Tut, the eldest brother is not a good man. "


"It\'s true. If you don\'t believe it, you can go to the mountain by yourself. The longan girl stays on the mountain all noon every day.

At that time, we all got off work. Everyone who should go home for dinner went home. Some didn\'t bother to walk home and brought food to eat on the mountain. Everyone has seen it with their own eyes. "

Chi Ziyu said quietly, "I see."

"Eh? You have nothing to show?" I\'m bored.

Any woman who hears that her man is dyeing peach blossoms outside will act like a mad dog and bite people everywhere.

Even Guo Jinlian\'s thoughtless women are so obvious, not to mention Chi Ziyu.

Chi Ziyu smiled, "I have something to show. Before the facts come out, what you said is unreliable."

Qi Duojin was speechless. "OK... Do you believe it or not? It\'s not for your own good to tell you so much."