My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 494

Three or two wisps of cooking smoke floated into the air.

I don\'t know what people do when they light a fire.

"I\'ll see if there are any wild fruits nearby. I\'ll get some for you to eat." Qixingyun doesn\'t sit down to rest, but says.

"You\'re not tired."

"I\'m not tired. Just sit here and wait for me to get something to eat."

"Well, you remember not to go too far. I\'m afraid alone."


The mountain is full of towering trees and the jungle is quiet.

If you go too far in the shade, it\'s a little gloomy.

If you stay here alone, Chi Ziyu will be scared to death.

Qixingyun went to find wild fruit.

Before long, he brought a bag of purple plums. "Little fish, I found something good today."

This time, she didn\'t let her guess. She gave her a red and purple plum with a layer of white frost on it, "come on, try it quickly."

Chi Ziyu didn\'t pay much attention to it, so he opened his mouth and bit one.

"Well... It\'s a little sour, but it\'s still sweet... Where did you find the plum? I also want to pick it." Said the fish.

"I didn\'t bring any baskets today. It\'s hard to pack them. We\'ll pick them tomorrow. There are still many fruit trees in our mountains, but we have to dig them ourselves."

Chi Ziyu ate plums with relish. "Why didn\'t I see the fruit trees here? You can find everything."

"It\'s not that you didn\'t see it, it\'s that you didn\'t observe it carefully." Qixingyun road.

He is so keen on the survival of species in the mountains, but he still keeps the habit of walking in the mountains for a long time.

"When you finish eating this plum, let\'s go down the mountain." Qi Xingyun said again.

"Uh huh. Try one, too. It\'s very sweet."

"I\'ll eat it at home."

When Chi Ziyu finished eating a plum, he recovered his strength and was about to stand up from the rock.

Qixingyun gave the plums to Chi Ziyu.

Chi Ziyu took it for no reason.

Qi Xingyun said, "take the plums and I\'ll carry you down the mountain."


"You come up."

Qixingyun has bent down and turned his back to her.

"I\'m almost rested. I\'m not tired..."

"And lied to me." Mercilessly expose, "if you don\'t come up, I\'ll go down the mountain alone."

Chi Ziyu: "

Immediately grabbed the plums in both hands and climbed onto his wide back.

"Aren\'t you tired? It\'s such a long way..."

"I\'m willing to carry my woman."

Chi Ziyu pursed his lips, "Oh..."

Qixingyun carried her down the mountain.

Steady and powerful steps.

Chi Ziyu lay on his back and felt that he had the whole world.

"Do you want to see the reservoir?" Qixingyun suddenly asked her.



Halfway down the mountain, qixingyun turned another path to the reservoir.

There is a long and wide dam on the reservoir. The dam is covered with a piece of short lawn, green, like a green blanket.

The vision here is more open, and the sky light and cloud shadow are changing overhead.

Chi Ziyu also climbed down from his back.

They walked leisurely along the dam and could see the deep reservoir in the twinkling of an eye.

"Just sit here and have a rest. Let\'s see the scenery." Said the fish.


Chi Ziyu sat down and pointed to the vast reservoir. "Do you think there will be a lot of fish here?"

She is always particularly interested in fish in the water.

Probably because her name is little fish.

"There must be, but the water is so deep that no one dares to go in and catch fish." Qi Xingyun said, "I had an idea. I wanted to contract this reservoir to raise fish."