My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 493

Staring at him, he said, "fool, the stupidest in the world."

Qixingyun kissed her palm and patted her back, "sleep. Who just said to take a nap? When is it time to take a nap?"

Chi Ziyu got up and said, "well, I\'ll take a nap."

Qixingyun pressed her head back in front of her, "just sleep like this."

"I\'m afraid you\'ll be out of breath. What if you\'re crushed by me?"

Qi Xingyun stared at her, "are you lying with your eyes open?"

Chi Ziyu chuckles and sleeps on his chest.

With such a strong figure, he doesn\'t have to worry about a thin girl like Chi Ziyu.


After a nap.

They took the topographic map of the mountain and went out.

The sun is still very warm, but it is much better than the sun at noon.

The mountain is in Yunshui village, not far away.

Go straight along Qingshi road. The first few mountains you see are.

Qixingyun also cut firewood there.

These mountains have never been developed so that they are covered with bushes.

At a glance, the black color is like painting, and even the clouds can\'t be wiped away.

They found a small path and went straight up the mountain. Slowly, their sight widened.

There is a large reservoir between several continuous peaks.

The reservoir is shaped like a gourd, first wide and then narrow, extending to the included angle of the mountain.

It is usually used for water storage and irrigation in drought.

The rainy season is just over, and there is no shortage of water in the fields. It is the period when the reservoir has the most abundant water.

Overlooking from a high place, the green water reflects the blue sky and white clouds.

Like a deep mirror.

There is no bottom.

The water surface is calm and abnormal.

Occasionally a few white birds crossed the water.

The reflection of the green mountain was broken in an instant and soon returned to peace.

The reservoir was built by the government of Jiangcheng. At least it is a large and practical water conservancy project.

People in Yunshui village are very satisfied with the project because it solves the contradiction of water shortage in fields.

"Unexpectedly, our mountain is just connected to the reservoir. It will be much more convenient to take water for irrigation at that time. You can take water directly from the stream downstream of the reservoir." Chi Ziyu is excited.

"That\'s a good idea." Qi Xingyun agrees.

"I plan to plant fruit trees in the two mountains near the reservoir, and plant medicinal materials in the mountains far away." Qixingyun said again, "at that time, we will ask people to build a wall around the four mountains and leave a gate for entry and exit."


"This project will be relatively large. The premise of planting fruit, tree species and medicinal materials is to cut down some redundant trees on the mountain first, but not too much, otherwise the soil on the mountain will be loose when it rains." Qixingyun planned these mountains. It\'s just right.

"I\'ll listen to you this time. You decide. I\'ll help you."



In order to understand the overall distribution of the four mountains, they walked around the four mountains.

Chi Ziyu\'s feet are sore.

"Let\'s stop and have a rest." Chi Ziyu found a rock and sat down. "I\'m so tired. These mountains are too big."

The rock where Chi Ziyu sat was in a good position. There was an empty mountain wind in front of him without any obstacles.

The view is very wide.

Sitting on the rock, Chi Ziyu can bring the whole Yunshui village into his eyes.

In the distance, surrounded by green mountains and verdant vegetation.

Only a few dark shingles loomed out.