My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 495

"But the water here is so deep."

In such deep water, fish are easy to raise, but it\'s hard to harvest.

Who dares to fish in the reservoir? Don\'t scare yourself at such a deep place.

"We can put fry in spring and wait until the reservoir dries up in winter before we go fishing." Qi Xingyun said.

Chi Ziyu thought, "it seems that it is. Otherwise, we will contract the reservoir. It happens to be connected with our mountain. It will be convenient to manage in the future."


"Xianggong, you are so smart! You even thought of it. The reservoir in our village has been built for so many years and is only used to irrigate paddy fields. No one has ever raised fish in the reservoir."

Chi Ziyu was full of praise for Qi Xingyun\'s amazing intelligence. He really wanted to give him a hard kiss.

Qixingyun smiled faintly, "don\'t flatter me. It hasn\'t been done yet. Later, we\'ll ask the village head if we can contract the reservoir to raise fish. If we don\'t, we\'ll be happy in vain."

"It\'s really not good. Let\'s give the village head more silver?"

It sounds like a bribe.

However, the reservoir belongs to everyone. The silver they pay is naturally the common property of the whole village.

"It\'s not necessarily a matter of money. I\'m afraid they\'ve never heard of fish farming in the reservoir and will strongly oppose us..." Qi Xingyun shook his head.


It has never been said that raising fish in the reservoir is in Yunshui village.

Since they want to break this precedent, apart from the necessary courage, they also need strong persuasion to win the trust of the villagers.

"Let\'s not talk about fish farming in the reservoir. We have to do a good job in the mountains, cut down trees, turn over the mountains, and plant fruit trees and medicinal materials." Qixingyun murmured.

"So we have to go to the city and ask if anyone buys wood and sells all the cut trees to save waste."

"OK." Chi Ziyu nodded, "but I thought about it. We have to find the village head for ventilation. He doesn\'t know that we bought the mountain here. We didn\'t disclose any news before, so as to avoid misunderstanding."



After dinner that night, Qi Xingyun and Chi Ziyu went to talk to the village head.

When the village head heard that the couple had bought the mountain, he couldn\'t believe it.

The price of mountains is not cheap, and I don\'t know where they got the money to buy mountains.

The village head was so strange that Qi Xingyun took out the deed of the mountain with his handprint and the official seal of the city Lord on it.

After careful identification, the village head confirmed that it was a genuine deed.

The village head was shocked.

Qixingyun took this opportunity to say his general idea.

Grow fruit trees and herbs.

It\'s actually a very normal use.

The idea is very beautiful. The village head receives a lot of information at the moment.

The village head finally recovered and said, "it\'s really OK. It\'s good for you to have this idea of making money, that is, logging and planting fruit trees is a huge project. Are you two husband and wife really willing to try?"

The two said in unison, "yes."

"You two alone can\'t get busy. You must ask someone to do it." The daughter-in-law of the village head interrupted.

The village head\'s daughter-in-law is a kind-hearted aunt who cares about other family affairs.

"We have this plan." Qi Xingyun said, "please cut down the trees and invite people to plant them."

"The silver..."