My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 492

Think about it, I feel that my life is too moist. No wonder people want to be jealous.

"The Dragon Boat Festival is coming." Chi Ziyu suddenly remembered.

"There are seven or eight days to go before the Dragon Boat Festival." Qi Xingyun said.

Chi Ziyu immediately became energetic and turned to look at him and said, "in two days, I have to pick Zongye and come back to make zongzi."

"Remember to take me."

"We have to go back to my mother\'s house on the Dragon Boat Festival. When we go to the market next time, we\'ll go back to the city to buy some festival gifts."


"By the way, a pheasant will go back to avoid the festival. My third brother and third sister-in-law will have to shake their faces with me. It\'s so embarrassing."

Previously, Chi Laifu urged Chi Ziyu to take some pheasants back to his mother\'s house. Chi Ziyu ignored it, and of course he didn\'t go back.

Cheap is not easy to take.

Taking advantage of the Dragon Boat Festival to go back this time, I just have to bring a festival gift, and I\'ll push the boat with a pheasant.

"Listen to you."

"Come back and send a pheasant to my mother. You can\'t just care about my mother and them, regardless of your mother." Chi Ziyu said.

Qixingyun patted her on the arm and said, "that\'s OK. Just send it over. Just decide."

"Although I don\'t agree with your mother, I don\'t want to be a real evil daughter-in-law. It\'s embarrassing to spread it."

I\'ve never heard of a mother-in-law dueling with a daughter-in-law. I haven\'t heard of a daughter-in-law dueling with a mother-in-law.

Chi Ziyu really wants to be too cruel. I\'m sure that others will point at the bridge of the nose and scold him for being unfilial.

"Hmm..." qixingyun let out a nasal sound lazily.

Such a family is trivial, and the gratitude and resentment of constantly cutting and disorderly management have never been the most painful for Qihang cloud.

If you were alone in the past, the best way is to go your own way and never consider the miscellaneous ideas of others.

The premise to do this is to be indifferent to everything around you.

No matter what big or small things happened around him, he didn\'t care and didn\'t intervene. Anyway, it\'s none of his business.

Now there are many thoughtful wives around. She is considering all aspects of problems she has never considered before.

From the perspective of both parties, try to manage the relationship between all parties.

If you don\'t manage well, you won\'t turn against others directly and be an enemy. Leave yourself a bottom line in everything.

"Why, do you think I\'m too troublesome to do this?" Chi Ziyu noticed his coldness and asked him.

"A little, but you have more principles in dealing with the situation than I do. People like me are simple and rough, and they have always been disgusted by others, so there are no people close to me except you."

"In the past, it didn\'t matter if you were simple and rough. In the future, just slowly learn to care about others. Someone will always remember your good."

"No, I don\'t want to." Qi Xingyun knows what he has done is wrong, but he never wants to correct it. "Not everyone is worthy of my concern. Now I want to care about and protect only you. Other people are dead or alive. I don\'t want to care, because they are not worth it."

"Then why am I worth it?"

"Because you are my wife."

"Is that it?"

"You are still the one I care about." Qi Xingyun said.

Chi Ziyu was very satisfied with his answer, but he was still too straight, "sweet words."

"I will use my whole life to prove my words today."

Chi Ziyu covered his lips with his hands and supported his body up and down a little.