My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 477

Still transplanting? Butt in!

After a hard day\'s rest, Qi Duojin won\'t wrongly go to the field to do hard work.

Anyway, the seedlings are almost finished. Just brother, sister-in-law and father, they are sure to finish the work today.

He\'d better lie down and sleep all afternoon

That day, qixingyun and Chi Ziyu went to the field to release the fry.

The paddy field is indifferent, reflecting the sky and clouds.

The fry are placed in several corners, so that everyone is crowded together and it is difficult to find food.

Now the seedlings are almost rooted in the field. Putting the fish fry in will not affect the normal growth of the seedlings.

But it\'s too small. It looks sparse.

When the wind blew gently, the slender green tips tilted to one side.

Standing on the ridge, Chi Ziyu can clearly see the dense small fish swimming in the water.

Tail by tail.

The water waves are moving, and the land is very happy.

Some small fish have even started looking for small insects to eat.

These fry adapted to the new environment, and Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun completely put down their hearts.

"Go home and cook."



Eat flower armor at night.

Chi Ziyu wanted to eat this before. I heard that Huajia meat is very delicious.

However, aquatic products such as Huajia are scarce and the price is too expensive.

The late family is reluctant to buy, let alone Qijia.

I\'m still at home and buy whatever I want.

No one gossip.

Qixingyun just indulges her. She can choose what she likes to eat. Anyway, he will eat with her at that time.

He is not picky about food. He eats everything she likes.

I have to spit out the sediment first.

Chi Zi fish put a few spoonfuls of salt and vinegar in the flower shell and soaked it for a while.

When the water is dirty, change the water and soak it in salt and vinegar again.

Finally, flush with water several times.

This kind of flower armor can be used for cooking.

The fried flower armor is delicious.

Xiao Wang also likes to eat this. Chi Ziyu specially gave him half a bowl of flower armor, asked Xiao Wang to bite off the shell and roll out the meat.

The family ate happily.

The main house is also very happy today.

Because the work in the field was finally finished, we also stopped work early today.

Finally, the most important busy farming period has passed, and we can finally have a good rest for a few days.

Wang was also very happy, but after listening to Qi Duojin\'s report, he immediately changed his face.

Qi Duojin only knew that people went to the restaurant to sell prey, bought fry and some messy food.

Qiduojin also made up his own mind and expanded part of what he saw to the whole.

As a result, Wang had to believe it.

He can also get less scolding himself.

What a matter of having the best of both worlds.

Although Qi Duojin was curious about what Qi Xingyun did during that time after he was intercepted, he didn\'t mention it.

Wang was skeptical, but he didn\'t have much thought to pursue it.

Let it go first. Later, people will always show their feet. It\'s not too late to investigate again.

Qiduocai will go to the capital the day after tomorrow.

This is what Wang is most concerned about.

On this day, Wang spent the whole night hiding money in Qi duocai\'s clothes.

Wang was afraid that Qi duocai would be robbed on the way.

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

So Wang sewed pockets on the inside of qiduocai\'s clothes, waist, ass, insole and inner thigh.

Each pocket was stuffed with small silver notes.

She found someone to exchange the silver coins for silver today.