My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 478

This makes it convenient for Qiduo to take it with you.

"Mom, there\'s no fortress in the insole. At that time, the silver tickets will stink and people won\'t accept them."

Qi duocai held a book and watched her sew. The first ten thousand in his heart were not happy.

Good clothes and trousers. It\'s so ugly to sew so many pockets!

Wang glanced at him, "you child, what do you know? You don\'t know who has money and doesn\'t accept it.

When your father and I were out for a living, every time we went away, money was hidden everywhere in our clothes. We were afraid of being robbed by bad guys.

You are still young. You don\'t know how dangerous people are in the Jianghu. You\'d better be careful when walking on the road. If someone comes to rob, don\'t worry about your own money and give him some money.

People just want money, not life. They should learn to be soft when it\'s critical. Don\'t take your life in. It\'s not worth it. Do you hear me? "

Qi duocai nodded silently, "I see. I\'m not a three-year-old child. Don\'t I understand this truth?"

"Mom, I\'m worried about you. It\'s the first time for you to go out so far. When your father and I were young, when he said he was going to go out, I was worried about him, so I followed him all the time."

It has to be said that Wang and qijiabao in their youth had an inspirational and unforgettable past.

During that period, the two people helped each other and supported each other.

This deep and righteous love between husband and wife has also made them feel good on the whole over the years.

Mentioning this, Wang couldn\'t help thinking of his recent quarrel with qijiabao, and was a little upset.

The older the old man is, the more stubborn he is. She\'s so angry!

"There are several people in Jiangcheng who go to the capital for the exam like you. You\'d better contact those people in the city tomorrow. You\'d better make a friend with them and take care of them on the way." Wang said again.

"Well, I\'ll go tomorrow." I thought about it myself.

"Let your big brother send you tomorrow."

"Yes." Qi duocai nodded.

After a while, Qi duocai said, "Mom, I see that sister-in-law Wang is also very diligent recently. Let\'s let her sleep in the kitchen. What if she hurts the child in her stomach?"

"Why did you suddenly ask about it?"

Qi duocai\'s eyes dodged slightly: "no, I just watch sister-in-law Wang sleep on firewood every day. She\'s very poor. She\'s restless at home. We\'ll punish her. We\'d better not go too far and be careful to cause human life."

Wang Yinger\'s performance at Qijia is really good.

She is more diligent than Guo Jinlian, more capable than her, and has a sweet mouth.

I didn\'t dare to complain in front of people when I slept in the kitchen every day. I also babbled to bring foot washing water to Wang before going to bed every day, and personally washed her feet with an unbearable smell.

Wang heard Qi Duojin say that the woman not only washed herself, but also gave Guo Jinlian and Qi Duojin washing. It was comfortable to serve people.

This woman has a servility and is very easy to control.

Anyway, Qi Duojin\'s attitude towards Wang Yinger is much better than before.

After all, people are soft hearted.

Mistakes can be forgiven as long as they can be corrected.

"Then I\'ll talk to the second child later and let him clean up the bamboo bed in the house and let Wang Yinger sleep later." Wang said.

Qiduocai smiled, "I know you\'d better, and I\'m sure you\'ll agree."