My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 476

This makes Chi Ziyu very unhappy.

So later, Chi Ziyu did have selfishness.

A normal person will have such careful thinking. Why should he pay unconditionally while others should enjoy the benefits in vain.

This is obviously unfair.

We all have hands and feet. Why can\'t we unite and work together.

Wang can carry a bowl of water. She can also hide her bowl of water without her carrying it.

Everyone is equally divided. No one has the right to blame each other.

Fortunately, qixingyun is a person beyond her reason. She didn\'t care about these alone because she didn\'t care.

Later, I learned accounting slowly.

According to Qi Xingyun\'s temper, it is difficult for Wang family to take advantage of him again.

Qiduojin\'s provocative plan failed and had to make another plan.

"Fourth brother, take me when you go up the mountain. I also want to learn from you to hunt and make money for my family, so that my parents are happy." Qiduojin road.

"Where are you going?" Qixingyun glanced at him with a light tone, "as before, running home on the way?"

Chi Ziyu couldn\'t help laughing.

"Second brother, this can\'t be true." Asked Chi Ziyu.

Qiduojin was suddenly exposed by qixingyun. He was embarrassed and said, "I really couldn\'t walk because I sprained my foot at that time.

If I could go, I would have gone with you. As a big man, I can\'t shrink back because I\'m afraid of suffering. "

Whether this is true or not, only Qi Duojin knows it in his mind.

When I was in the clouds, I couldn\'t smile.

Chi Ziyu certainly didn\'t believe it. She guessed that Qi Duojin was afraid of going up the mountain hard, so she ran on the way.

This behavior is very expensive.

"Sister in law, I tell you, don\'t believe it. If you sprain your foot and go to the mountain, you must be tired and broken."

"Later, Xingyun went to the mountain so many times. Why didn\'t he see his second brother go with you?" Chi Ziyu asked with a smile.

This lying is too unskilled.

I have to emphasize that what I said is true. Is it a lie.

Who believes it? Really.

Late fish is lazy to make complaints about him.

Qi Duojin continued to lie with flashing eyes. "Later... Later, there were so many things in the field. How could I have time to go up the mountain? Even my fourth brother took time to go hunting. I had to promise."


It\'s time to open your eyes and tell lies. People with a slightly thinner face must be ashamed.

But Qi Duojin has no sense of shame. Talking big is like a flood opening the gate.

Talk and fly.

"Let\'s put fry in the field now." Qixingyun interrupted the conversation and said to Chi Ziyu.

Chi Ziyu nodded, "well, good."

Qi Duojin\'s eyes were greedy. "I\'ll go with you, too."

Chi Ziyu doesn\'t want to bring him this burden at all.

Moreover, Qi Duojin\'s words have the meaning of a weasel paying New Year\'s greetings to a chicken. In short, he is not kind.

In his mind, he smiled and said, "OK, anyway, the fields of our two families are close. At that time, second brother, you just go to the field to plant seedlings. I heard that your seedlings have not been planted yet."

Qiduojinton changed his face, "Oh... I remember I have something else to do. You\'d better go by yourself. I won\'t go."

With that, Qi Duojin hurried away for fear that Chi Ziyu would call him back.