My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 461

"How did I get in your eyes?"

"Dad, you can shut up. It\'s not the first time you\'ve been cruel to my mother for my fourth brother. Whose man is the same as you.

I don\'t have any skills outside. I can bully women at home. You\'re not ashamed. I\'m ashamed of you. " Qishuipei said sarcastically.

It\'s not polite to pick up your father.

"Go, mom, you go to my room. My bed is spacious enough for us to sleep. We haven\'t slept together for a long time." Qishuipei turned to the Wang family with a pleasant face.

Wang nodded, "well, let\'s go."

"Dad, you should sleep in an empty room this evening. Do you think I want to talk to you?"

Qishuipei groaned angrily and took Wang back to the house to sleep.

Others went to qijiabao and asked about today\'s situation.

As a result, qijiabao sighed and kept silent about what had happened.

"Well, you all go back to bed. Today\'s business has nothing to do with you." Finally qijiabao sent them off.

"I see, Dad."

Everyone went back with their hearts in mind.

"Parents have lived together for decades. They should be more and more friendly. Unexpectedly, there are more and more quarrels. They haven\'t had so much before." Chen xiangdao.

She is making small clothes for her unborn child.

This cloth is left over by qishuipei.

The cloth itself is good.

It feels soft and smooth, with fine stitches, which is not easy to hurt the baby\'s skin.

Unfortunately, it\'s a little old. It doesn\'t look bright at first, but it\'s not that you can\'t wear it out.

Much better than her own clothes.

"My mother is becoming more and more arrogant." Qiduo said, "I heard from my second brother that this afternoon, my mother was angry about my fourth brother\'s three-day stay in the mountain.

Mother suspected that the fourth brother was making a fortune behind our back. She was not happy. She wanted the fourth brother to share a share. As a result, the fourth brother was not happy. Mother came back to quarrel with our father and forced our father to ask the fourth brother for money. "

"Why is there such a thing?" Chen Xiang said, "the fourth brother earned the money himself. It has nothing to do with our family. Mom, they are so jealous. Why bother?"

It\'s not theirs. I can\'t ask for it.

It\'s a shame to beg for nothing. I\'m still a parent.

"Mom, fourth uncle and fourth aunt are so good. Give me delicious food. Why does grandma always dislike fourth uncle and them?" Qiyao, who was about to fall asleep, suddenly opened her eyes and poked out her small head and asked.

The little girl accidentally told the truth again

Chen Xiang shook her head. "I don\'t know."

"Your grandmother must have only your third uncle and sister-in-law in her heart. She can\'t hold others." Qiduodi road.

This kind of thing came out of his mouth, even if his face was smiling, in fact, his heart was very bitter.

Because his situation is almost the same as that of qixingyun.

The same is not valued by the family, and the same has no status at home.

They are not popular with their parents everywhere and have no human rights at all.

Dad is fine. He is easy-going and will understand their pain.

He is a little softer and always listens to Wang\'s words.

Wang asked him to go east, but he usually didn\'t dare to go west.

Sometimes, qiduodi thinks that his father is no different from puppets. He is always led by the nose.

Whenever Wang and Qi shuipei cry, he has no idea and listens to them.

It\'s really cowardly for a master to do so.