My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 462

"Grandma doesn\'t like me either. She says I\'m a loser." Qiyao Wuzi road.

Chen Xiang\'s face changed.

This has always been a thorn in her heart.

Under the pressure of her mother-in-law, she also likes to have more sons, but she never feels that her daughter is a loser.

Qiduo brother was also a little uncomfortable and comforted, "don\'t listen to your grandmother\'s nonsense. You\'re the father\'s and mother\'s little cotton padded jacket, baby. You\'re not a loser. Your father and mother love you most."

"I see, Dad." Qiyao smiled sweetly.

Qiduodi came and touched her head. "Darling, you go to bed early. You have to work in the field with us tomorrow. Don\'t get tired."

Qiyao refused to close her eyes. "Dad, when can we finish planting our field? I\'ll die in the sun every day."

"Our family still has two mu of land. We can plant it in the next two days. When the land is planted, dad will take you to the market in the city. How about it?"

"OK, is that mother going?"

"Go, everybody."

"Well, then I\'ll go to bed."



Qishuipei\'s bed is really spacious enough.

But recently, qishuipei has eaten so well that he doesn\'t have to go to the ground. He has gained weight for several circles.

And she likes to put the word "big" when she sleeps, with her hands and feet open.

One person occupies most of the bed.

Wang was squeezed by her and couldn\'t open. He had to lie on his side.

Coupled with the constant storm tonight, Wang couldn\'t sleep, so he opened his eyes and talked to Qi shuipei.

The mother and daughter muttered for a long time, like a mouse.

Wang said, "I can\'t control your fourth brother. I\'m also a man who has lost heart to him and doesn\'t have any ability."

"No, mom, you don\'t care about my fourth brother. He will really deny our family at that time." Qi shuipei reluctantly said.

Dad, it doesn\'t matter. Anyway, the mud can\'t help the wall.

She also expects qixingyun to make a fortune and live a good life with a large family.

She also wants to eat and drink as she pleases, like Chi Ziyu, without worrying about food and clothing at all.

There was a man around him who served wholeheartedly.

Ordinary people can\'t enjoy such an immortal day.

I don\'t know how Chi Ziyu stepped on it.

"Don\'t forget that we still have your third brother. Your third brother is more capable than the fourth. He is a scholar and will work under the feet of the emperor in the future. He has a great chance to prosper.

No matter how capable your fourth brother is, he can\'t be better than your third brother. " Wang said.

"My third brother is powerful, but it\'s impossible to make money immediately. My fourth brother has many ways to make money, but he never tells us. He\'s really depressed." Qishuipei gambling airway.

"He\'s good at hunting, carpentry, bamboo and other farming. Your eldest brother can do the same. He\'s not bad. He really thinks he can make a lot of money." Wang disdained.

Qishuipei thought about it and thought that qixingyun was not as simple as he thought.

So he said, "but mom, I think my fourth brother really knows a lot of things. He learns things very fast. He can remember it after watching and listening, and he learns very well."

Wang Shi was full of sarcasm: "come on, it\'s no use praising him. I\'m not interested in him at all. I\'ve raised him for so many years."

"If my eldest brother and second brother can be half as smart as my fourth brother, our family will not be worse than the fourth brother\'s family." Qi shuipei insisted.