My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 460

At that time, compared with the old four, the life is still too far away.

The gap between the rich and the poor is too big

Wang\'s heart is not reconciled!

"Bah. You have the face to say." Qijiabao was angry and ruthless. "Do you have any idea whether old four is eating our food or relying on old four these years?

It\'s time to deceive yourself and others. Old four has done enough in our family. Don\'t be ignorant of good and bad. It\'s embarrassing all day.

The fourth is also a person. He also has his own family. If you want to live a good life, people don\'t need it. People have hands and brains and will try to earn money to support their family. It\'s right to live a good life.

Just as our family is now, they are lazy, lazy and sell bad. They expect to live the same as others all day. You are dreaming. "

Originally, qijiabao was suffocating in qixingyun. Now, on impulse, he sprinkled it all on Wang.

He\'s so angry!

A good home, all blame Wang this old woman.

I can\'t see others well. I fight tit for tat everywhere and make the family restless.

The four rooms were all divided out. What about people? Did she have to give her all the money she earned and connive at her alone? She felt convinced.

Qijiabao is really getting more and more speechless about Wang\'s trouble.

"A few days ago, you swore to me that you would not take advantage of the old four. In the twinkling of an eye, you can\'t change your dog to eat shit..."

Wang\'s patience is also limited.

Hearing qijiabao\'s words, Wang\'s face changed greatly. He jumped up and scratched him and said, "what are you scolding, old man... I let you scold so many words, but I haven\'t scolded enough. How can I drop! I\'m an old woman who doesn\'t like my eyes and wants to scold me? Come on, it\'s a big deal. Don\'t live this day!

Who am I working hard for every day? It\'s not for your old family. It\'s good for you. You don\'t have the ability to earn money to support your family and turn against me. What did I do wrong? You want to scold me like this... "

"Bang -"

Qishui Peiwen burst in, "Mom, why are you and dad arguing again!"

He followed laiqi Duojin and others behind him.

"Pei\'er, you came just in time." Wang rushed to qishuipei with red eyes, "I won\'t live with your father. I can\'t live this day!

Even if he is worthless, I asked him to ask your fourth brother for silver and argue for him. He also scolded me in turn. You said how could there be such a worthless man in the world! "

Qi shuipei was anxious and angry, so he shouted at Qi Jiabao, "Dad, have you done enough! It\'s clear that you are wrong and you don\'t know what\'s good or bad. Don\'t push everything on my mother. My mother did it for all of us!"

The others were still a little confused. With only a few words from Wang, they really didn\'t know what had happened.

Even Qi shuipei didn\'t know what had happened. She was just used to protecting Wang\'s mother.

Who connects mother and daughter.

Moreover, Qi shuipei hated Qi Jiabao\'s cowardice and futility.

If qijiabao is not her father, she will definitely throw such people out of the house.

Useless old man!

"Pei\'er, my mother will sleep in your house today." Wang said, "my mother doesn\'t want to see someone\'s dirty eyes again."

Qijiabao was speechless. When he was old, he still quarreled in front of his children. He was ashamed.