My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 459

If silver can make up for the problems, she is also willing to pay the money.

"I\'ll earn all the money I should have. Don\'t worry." Qixingyun comforted her again.

"I\'m not worried about this. If I can be filial to my parents with this money, so that the gap between their hearts is no longer so big and don\'t give us trouble, I\'m naturally very happy. I can understand what you do." Late roe path.

"They should be able to stop for a while, but they don\'t know what will happen."

After all, qijiabao is easy to talk and understand.

Wang\'s and Qi shuipei\'s group of demanding people are not necessarily.

"Let\'s talk about the future. Let\'s ignore them first. Let\'s do our business well. Don\'t let anyone take advantage of the loophole. If we really want to play rough with us, we\'re not vegetarian." Late roe path.

"Well, go to bed early. Tomorrow we\'ll go to the city and sell these herbs."



Qijiabao returned to the house and threw the fifty Liang silver in front of Wang with a cold expression.

Wang Shi was stunned, looked up and said to qijiabao, "what\'s the matter? Why are you holding a dead man\'s face?"

Then he asked, "whose money is it?"

Wang touched the money bag. It seemed that there was a lot of money in it.

So Wang habitually poured it out and tried to count it.

Qijiabao looked like a stranger. His eyes were cold: "Fifty liang of silver from old four."

Wang immediately couldn\'t close his mouth happily, "I\'ll say..."

Qijiabao snorted, "do you know what the fourth said to me today?"

"What can you say? Just like old four, it\'s good to be willing to talk nonsense with you."

"You\'re wrong." Qijiabao denied, "he said so many things to me for the first time today, and he said he would do his duty to support me and you in the future.

Five hundreds of grain and one hundred liang of silver will be given each year. Fifty Liang will be given temporarily today, and the remaining fifty Liang will be given later. "

"What are you talking about?" Wang was stunned. "How dare he talk to you like that?"

"Why don\'t you dare? You\'re a fool when you\'re the fourth. You don\'t know what to think about. I said don\'t always stare at him. He\'s never done anything sorry to us. We\'ve always been sorry.

We raised him to such a big age. When did we fulfill the responsibility of raising him? He knew to take care of himself and his family since childhood. When did he let us worry.

You bully him all day and make trouble for him. Now you\'re boring others. You still think it\'s not your fault.

I\'m not ashamed to be your mother\'s heartless love. You said that if old four remembered the past and knew he wasn\'t your own, what would you make old four think of us... "

"Well... Then he can\'t just ignore us!" Wang said angrily, "even if I didn\'t give birth to him, he can\'t let him eat for nothing after eating our family for so many years.

People say: the kindness of dripping water must be repaid by Yongquan. This is the kindness of our upbringing. He can\'t repay it all his life. How can he finish it with one hundred liang of silver... "

Although it is said that a hundred liang of silver and five loads of grain are a lot, they can still have a lot of silver except for their daily needs.

But now Sifang raises flowers, chickens and so many sunflowers.

When there is harvest in the future, it refers to fighting gold on an indefinite day.

What they get must be a drop in the ocean.