My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 458

He had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Qi Xingyun no longer said anything, but took out a purse from his sleeve.

"There are fifty Liang silver in it. My son will do his duty to support his two elders in the future. Five loads of grain and fifty Liang silver a year. What do you think?"

The parents in the village are still there, but the separated son has the obligation to support the elderly.

If parents cannot take care of themselves, they take turns to live in each son\'s home for a period of time until they are buried.

If the parents are in good health and can work in the field by themselves, and do not need more worries from the family, the separated son will give the elderly living expenses regularly.

Generally speaking, the cost of living is three hundreds of grain and thirty liang of silver to provide them with basic living needs.

But most of the time, these quantities of millet and silver are a lot, because the two old people themselves can\'t eat much.

Moreover, the elderly live in the countryside and can take care of part of the fields. Many times, they don\'t need too much expenses.

Some children are reluctant to give the elderly living expenses, so they send meals and vegetables to the elderly every day, which can save a lot of money.

Qixingyun\'s words were heard by qijiabao.

He was a little worried, "this..."

"Add fifty liang of silver." Qixingyun thought he was not satisfied with his decision. "I\'ll give you the remaining fifty Liang tomorrow. As for the millet, I\'ll bring it back to you when I go to the city."

"Dad doesn\'t mean that."

Qixingyun said with a faint hook, "you and your mother have raised me for so many years. I have always been in my heart and dare not forget."

His attitude is firm.

Qijiabao felt that it was an insult to himself.

At the time of separation, it was hard to live in qixingyun. Qijiabao didn\'t say that he wanted qixingyun to support himself and Wang.

Now their life is slowly getting better, so they put it forward by themselves.

In fact, it\'s not a bad thing. It\'s just that qijiabao is very embarrassed on this occasion.

He didn\'t want Qi Xingyun to think he was greedy for his family\'s money, so he came to pester him.

It seems that his father is counseling and greedy.

But in fact, he was forced to come with this purpose.

Wang disliked him as useless.

A large family also expected him to mediate and lead them to a good life.

Qijiabao doesn\'t have this ability.

The eldest son and the second son don\'t know big words. They can only work hard. They don\'t have such ability.

The only old three who can count on is now busy reading and can\'t help his family.

"It\'s getting late, Dad. I\'ll go back first. You go to bed early."

Qixingyun got up without attachment.

Qijiabao opened his mouth, but he didn\'t know what to say.

The hand holding the purse was tight and tight.

This seems to be the first time that father and son have had such close heart to heart contact, but such heart to heart contact also means drawing a clear line.

"What did dad tell you?" When Chi Ziyu saw qixingyun coming back, he put down his book and asked him.

"Nothing. I told him that in the future, we will give them five loads of rice and one hundred liang of silver every year." Qi Xingyun said.

Chi Ziyu\'s heart clattered, and the secret way gave so much.

However, he still didn\'t say his opinion. Qixingyun always has his reason for doing so.

She must learn to understand him.

Maybe both of them didn\'t do well in dealing with Wang, so they attracted so much envy and resentment.