My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 447

Xiao Wang also wagged his tail and ran to Chi Ziyu to find comfort.

"Xiao Wang, I told you to find eggs. What\'s the matter with you? Why did you run to fight with our chicken? Believe it or not, I won\'t give you food later."


"Find me eggs quickly."


Xiao Wang ran to find eggs.

Chi Ziyu shook his head helplessly and waited to pick up all the eggs.

Chi Ziyu went to the chicken house to see the chicks. Some chicks had reached the age of free activity, so Chi Ziyu tried to put the chicks to the chicken farm.

Living with the brigade, being close to nature and walking around the mountains are actually the most suitable for pheasants.

Chi Ziyu estimated that qixingyun should almost go home this afternoon. First, he went to butcher Zhang\'s house to buy pork.

There are many green Mans. Chi Ziyu plans to make a fried shredded meat with green Mans.

The pheasant and Swertia brought back by qixingyun are actually just injured on their legs and difficult to walk. In addition, they are tied to their legs, which makes it more inconvenient to move.

These days, the late seeded fish feed them at home.

Pheasants, like pheasants, eat wheat bran. They have a good appetite, except that they are inconvenient to move.

As for the big Swertia, Chi Ziyu fed it vegetable leaves at the beginning and found that the Swertia could eat.

But at least the vegetable leaves are eaten at home. Chi Zi fish can\'t be so generous. They eat all the vegetables. What do they eat.

So Chi Ziyu went to get some wild vegetables and came back and found that Swertia also ate them.

So Chi Ziyu cut more wild vegetables and fed it, and occasionally the remaining lettuce leaves were also fed.

Swertia especially likes to eat lettuce leaves.

It was so muddleheaded that Chi Ziyu fed it for three days. The Swertia was still alive and kicking. Chi Ziyu thought it was very easy to raise.

Dusk four together, Qixing cloud covered with night dew came back, a dusty body.

Carrying a basket full of things, his left hand and right hand carried a pile of things.

Prey, several mention green awns, several hang black rice seeds, several hang loquats, and abduction dates.

In a word, I came back with a full load.

If Chi Ziyu didn\'t know from the beginning that he was picking herbs in the mountains, he would think he was picking wild fruits to eat.

She was dazzled by her hands full of things.

"Which would you like?" Qixingyun raised the heavy thing in her hand and asked her with a smile.

He looks energetic and energetic.

Chi Ziyu smiled helplessly and helped him unload the things in hand. "Put down the things first."

"Oh! The fourth brother is back! What did he bring back?" Guo Jinlian shouted and came in a rage.

Chi Ziyu immediately blocked qixingyun and stopped Guo Jinlian\'s way. He didn\'t have a good airway, "why?"

Guo Jinlian\'s eyes looked at the things in qixingyun\'s hands, and her eyes couldn\'t stop shining.

"Didn\'t the fourth brother go hunting? He hasn\'t come back for three days. Why did he bring so many messy things back?"

The prey didn\'t see many kinds of wild fruits. Could he eat them one hand after another?

"Who said that hunting must bring so many prey back." Chi Zi fish has no good airway.

Guo Jinlian stared, "what\'s in the sack and the basket?"

He also poked his head.

Chi Ziyu blocked her sight and said, "what does it have to do with you?"