My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 446

Wang\'s yin-yang strange way again, "yesterday Peier came to ask you for Qingmang, why didn\'t you give it to her?"

Chi Ziyu smiled at the spring breeze, "I didn\'t say I wouldn\'t give it. When I wanted to give it to her, Shui Pei ran away in anger."

"Pei\'er clearly said that you rejected her yesterday!" The Wang family will not let go.

Chi Ziyu took soft clothes. "It\'s such a thing. Xingyun refused shuipei\'s request after taking a bath yesterday. As a wife, it\'s not easy to say anything."

"Hard to say?" Wang sneered and snorted, "it\'s clear that you ordered him to say this. It\'s a black heart and rotten lung! Every day I know that it puzzles my fourth child and makes our fourth child separate from me. I bah..."

Wang spit at Chi Ziyu\'s feet.

Chi Ziyu is really respectful. Wang is an elder. Otherwise, he would have been as rude as qishuipei.

"Yes..." Chi Ziyu was disgusted and didn\'t smile. "You always say everything is reasonable. My junior is wrong everywhere. I have something else to do, so I won\'t chat with you."

With that, Chi Ziyu turned and left.

Wang angrily pointed to her back and scolded again and again, "black hearted poison woman, just wait to get out of my house!"

Chi Ziyu rolled his eyes and continued to walk.

She hasn\'t done a lot of things today, so she doesn\'t have the time to deal with Wang.

Yesterday\'s fleshy flowerpot hasn\'t been cultivated yet. She will continue to do it today.

It took her nearly a day to cultivate these nutritious soil alone. She simply ate some at noon, and then continued to work.

However, without qixingyun nearby, my heart is really a little empty.

Being busy is the only thing that can make her forget her situation.

The fleshy scale of this time is unprecedented, and the flower house has been crowded.

The late tilapia is determined to reproduce on a large scale.

When you have spare money, you can build another flower house so that it can be used.

For two days, Chi Ziyu spent it alone.

On the third day, the preparation for the meat cultivation of late seeded fish was completed, and the new meat leaves had been inserted into the soil.

This day is mainly to try to graft new varieties. She and I don\'t know what can be grafted. She only infers and grafts according to experience, and I can\'t do it nervously.

After grafting, there is still one afternoon left.

Chi Ziyu first went to the chicken farm to pick up eggs and find those hens who were still laying eggs.

Whenever he sees a hen laying eggs everywhere, Chi Ziyu will catch the hen back to her nest.

Some tough measures, but only in this way can they form their habits.

Of course, the late seeded fish will also put an egg in the egg nest as a guide. Some hens are interesting and will lay eggs by themselves.

Some are really stupid to die. Chi Ziyu can only violence against each other.

Xiao Wang followed Chi Ziyu and was responsible for helping her find chickens and eggs.

But in fact, Xiao Wang, as a dog, never goes anywhere without chicken flying and dog jumping, and there will be no peace.

The pheasants in the chicken farm are afraid of Xiaowang. They are more afraid than seeing Chi Ziyu.

Of course, some roosters are not afraid. With a group of pheasants, they are angry and fight with Xiaowang bravely.

The two sides played for a long time, each of them made angry coos, and the situation was particularly tense.

Seeing that it was about to fight, Chi Ziyu roared, "Xiao Wang!"

The cock immediately put away his arrogant feathers, opened his long legs and walked around as if nothing had happened.