My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 448

Chi Ziyu said, motioning Qi Xingyun to go into the house. There\'s no need to let Guo Jinlian know what they did.

Guo Jinlian also wanted to follow, and was entangled by Chi Ziyu. "What are you doing, sister-in-law? You can enter our husband and wife\'s room at will?"

Guo Jinlian smiled and watched qixingyun enter the house, but she was stopped by Chi Ziyu, and her teeth itched in anger for a moment.

She didn\'t mean to smell it. "Did the fourth brother bring his baby back today? Don\'t you dare let us know?"

She also felt that the behavior of two in four rooms was very strange recently.

It\'s like losing money.

Qixingyun desperately goes up the mountain to hunt, and chiziyu desperately grows meat, not for money.

Since you have money to earn, it would be selfish not to share the way.

Chi Ziyu smiled, "what treasure can we have? It\'s just some game. We\'ll sell it in the city later."

Guo Jinlian certainly didn\'t believe it. "Younger siblings, you\'d better be honest. You\'re not trying to curry favor with the mayor\'s sister, general\'s wife. You\'re going to use these things to please those noble people."

Speaking of it, Guo Jinlian still admires Chi Ziyu\'s ability to curry favor with such a noble family.

She hasn\'t even met, Qi shuipei!

"You say so." Chi Ziyu said softly.

"You\'re too unreliable, sister-in-law. How can such a large family look up to our small door and small family farming? You\'d better not waste your mind.

You\'d better keep your flowers and your chickens in peace. Don\'t be fooled by others at that time.

It\'s OK to bring good things to honor our family. At least we all remember your good. If there\'s any difficulty in your family later, we\'ll help it. It\'s much better than the useless ones like Panlong Fufeng. " Guo Jinlian said earnestly.

"I\'d love to." Late roe path.

Guo Jinlian flattened her mouth and disdained her face. "Forget it, I\'m kind-hearted to persuade you. I can\'t listen to you like this. I\'m too lazy to persuade again. I\'ll tell my parents about it later. You see, they don\'t scold you today."

With that, Guo Jinlian confidently went back to complain.

No matter whether someone is climbing a dragon or not, there is a way to make money.

"Mom, you have to take care of the four younger brothers." Guo Jinlian went back to Wang and said it.

"What\'s the matter?" Wang said.

"The fourth younger brother didn\'t go home for three days, but he came back today. I just saw him bring a lot of good things. I was going to see what it was, but I was stopped by my younger brother and sister. I didn\'t see anything. I was so angry." Guo Jinlian said angrily.

"Then you don\'t know what it is?" Wang asked.

Guo Jinlian thought, "it seems that she has brought pheasants, rabbits and some wild fruits. Anyway, it\'s full of things..."

"Mom, let\'s go and have a look now." Qishuipei said, "my fourth brother stayed in the mountain for three days this time. My fourth sister-in-law doesn\'t seem to worry at all. I doubt what my fourth brother is doing behind our back recently."

"What can be wrong?"

"I doubt that they want to take those good things to the elder sister of the city Lord, so as to curry favor with their rich families." Guo Jinlian said.

Qishuipei believed unconditionally.

A few days ago, the city Lord\'s wife helped Chi Ziyu ignore his business. Qishuipei still hates it in her heart.