My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 445

"I want to sleep very much, but if you don\'t cooperate with me, what can I do?" he said in a hoarse voice

"You..." Chi Ziyu felt that his face had turned red into a big apple and was ripe.

"Close your eyes and don\'t look at me."

Qi Xingyun turned his head with a smile, "OK, I won\'t look."

Chi Ziyu broke free from his arms and took off his skirt.

Eyes have been staring at the movement of Qixing cloud.

He didn\'t look back.

This is very gentleman.

Chi Ziyu was lucky for only one second. The next second qixingyun pushed her down on her back and rolled over.

Qixingyun also consciously pulled the quilt over to cover each other.

The two eyes are opposite without any barrier.

Chi Ziyu\'s face was so hot that he pushed him uneasily. "Go down here. You\'re going to the mountain tomorrow."

Qixingyun stood still and said, "I can\'t bear to think of leaving you for three days."

"You don\'t want to? Hum, I told you not to take me."

"The mountains are full of jackals, tigers and leopards. There are many dangers. Of course you can\'t go." Qixingyun Dingdao.

"But I will protect myself, and with you by my side, I am certainly not afraid of these."

"Don\'t talk to me about this. If you go, I won\'t take care of you." Qixingyun pinched the soft meat on her ass and threatened.

Chi Ziyu snorted in pain, "Why are you so..."

Can you pinch a place like your ass? What a shame!

Qixingyun\'s lips have fallen into the nest of her neck, licking gently and whispering softly.

"I\'m really like this today. What can you do to me..."

Busy mouth, busy hands.

Pinch her meat in one hand and walk upstream and downstream in the other.

Chi Ziyu murmured impatiently.

The mouth said reluctantly, in fact, the body made the most honest response.


The next day.

Qixingyun went out early with the dry food prepared by Chi Ziyu.

Wang came up to Chi Ziyu and asked, "why did old four go up the mountain again today?"

Chi Ziyu smiled cleverly and wisely, "he went to earn some change to supplement his family."

Wang didn\'t speak, but he was suspicious.

Old four\'s recent behavior is really strange!

After a while, Wang asked, "what did old four bring back yesterday?"

"A few green mans and some prey. Mom, do you want to eat green mans?"

Wang snorted angrily, "thank you for remembering me."

"Where, mother, I always remember you."

Wang gouged out her.

Chi Ziyu wanted to be polite again. Instead, he went back to the house and brought back some green Mans. "I can\'t finish this green mans with Xingyun. Leave it to my mother."

"Oh, give it to me when you can\'t finish eating." Wang\'s face is not good.

Chi Ziyu\'s smile remained unchanged. "If you really want to eat, you must finish it. Mom, if you don\'t want to eat, I\'ll eat more with Xingyun later."

Said to take back the green awn.

Being polite to you is to respect you. You are an elder. You don\'t appreciate it. She won\'t have a hot face and a cold ass.

"Wait!" Wang is going to be angry with Chi Ziyu. She just wants to put on airs!

What a brain!

"Who said I didn\'t want Qingmang!" Wang was very angry and robbed Qingmang from Chi Ziyu.

Her strength was so great that she almost pulled off chi Ziyu\'s hand.

In the twinkling of an eye, the green mans were in hand.