My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 441

One hit.

Pheasants also saw it inadvertently. In short, looking for medicinal materials goes hand in hand with hunting, but looking for medicinal materials is the main thing.

Qixingyun\'s theory is simple and clear.

However, with a casual word, Chi Ziyu can make up for his heroic and valiant hunting in his mind.

Speaking of medicinal materials, Qi Xingyun said, "if we can successfully drive down the mountain this time, we will divide the mountain into two parts."

"What do you say?"

"I plan to plant one piece of precious medicinal materials. The medicinal materials have short growth cycle and fast harvest. On the other piece, we will plant fruit trees. We will plant whatever fruit you want." Qixingyun road.

Chi Ziyu agrees with planting medicinal materials, but he thinks, "if we plant fruit, we\'d better ask in the market first to see what we generally like to eat, and then we plant it, otherwise I\'m afraid we can\'t sell it when we plant it."

"It doesn\'t matter. We have many kinds of fruits, including what you like to eat and what everyone likes to eat. We have everything, so we won\'t be unable to sell..."

Chi Ziyu picturesquely imagined the harvest scene of colorful fruits in autumn and said with a smile, "it\'s good. After that, we can eat fresh fruits every day..."


When Qi shuipei returned to the house, he threw himself into Wang\'s arms and cried.

"Niang, the fourth brother is cruel to me..." qishuipei said wrongfully.

Wang was puzzled, "why did he hurt you?"

Qi shuipei sniffed and said, "my fourth brother went hunting in the mountain today. He caught a Swertia and a pheasant. He also picked a lot of green awns back, but he just gave it to my fourth sister-in-law and refused to give it to us."

Qi Duojin was filled with indignation: "yes. Mom, you have to talk about old four. You care about your favorite and spicy food every day. There are our brothers and sisters in your eyes. It\'s too white eyed wolf!"

Wang was angry when he heard this. "Where does old four still look like a brother and a son? He moves things to the woman\'s mother\'s house every day. But we don\'t give anything at home. He\'s just blinded by lard!"

"Mom, what shall we do? My fourth brother has changed since he married his fourth sister-in-law. He has become so selfish. Now he doesn\'t take care of my sister. I can\'t recognize him. He used to be so kind to me."

"You said that if Bingbing girl could take your fourth brother at the beginning, it would be much easier..." Wang said in distress, "but Bingbing\'s relationship with your fourth brother is so bad that your fourth brother can\'t see her any more."

"Sister Bingbing can\'t. isn\'t there someone else? There are so many unmarried girls in our village. We\'ll ask them at that time. Someone always wants to marry my fourth brother.

You see, my fourth brother\'s life is so good now. He also knows great dignitaries. Yesterday, even the elder sister of the city Lord came to be a guest. You can imagine how big my fourth brother\'s face is... "

"To the fourth concubine again?" Qiduojin immediately answered with some unhappiness.

Qishuipei glanced at him, "you don\'t also have a concubine. Why can\'t my fourth brother have one."

"It\'s not... I\'m different from him." Qiduojin stammer road.

"Get out of my way. I\'ll whisper to my mother. What are you talking about?"

"OK, OK, I\'ll go now." Qi Duojin was speechless. Every time he said something wrong, he was almost killed by Qi shuipei.

What a pain!

He slipped fast.