My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 442

"Mom, think about it. My fourth brother can\'t have children. My fourth sister-in-law hasn\'t moved for so long.

We also quickly found an excuse to say that the fourth sister-in-law could not have a son, and then spread the news. I believe there must be a lot of people who want to marry my fourth brother and have a son for him.

At that time, even if my fourth sister-in-law wants to object, she doesn\'t have such a face. Even the hen who can\'t lay eggs dares to challenge us. Isn\'t this trying to die? " Qi shuipei said confidently.

Wang Shi thought about it and thought that qishuipei was a good idea, so he nodded and said, "then I\'ll take time to sit in someone else\'s house these days to see who has an old daughter, and I\'ll find one for your fourth brother at that time."

"Niang, you must remember to find someone who is more capable than my fourth sister-in-law in all aspects. Only in this way can my fourth brother feel that my fourth sister-in-law is just like that. There is really nothing attractive. Naturally, he will be tired of her."

"Well, that\'s a good move."


Qiduojin is particularly uncomfortable at the thought of qixingyun embracing both sides.

Sometimes there are many women around, which is also a sign of a sense of honor.

Make complaints about the matter, and finally, "big brother, do you feel that your mother is not very reliable in this idea? You said our family is not in a good mood."

I still have three wives and four concubines every day. When the time comes, the fourth brother\'s body can\'t bear it. No, what can I do if he loses his body at that time? "

Qiduodi doesn\'t have a big idea about women. It\'s enough to have Chen Xiang around him.

Two honest people live in good order every day, raise their children together, and their parents are filial to their old age

He really has no pursuit of the happiness he should have as a man, because he has no courage.

Besides, isn\'t it enough to have a wife? Why so many women to distract him.

Therefore, qiduodi will never understand qiduojin\'s so-called man\'s vanity and comparison.

He said, "it\'s their idea. We\'re sons. We\'d better not interfere with them."

Qi Duojin hates iron and doesn\'t become steel. "Brother, brother, I think you just can\'t help the mud to the wall. One more woman will be one more right and wrong. Do you have the heart to let other women disturb the peace of our family in the future?"

"But the fourth brother has separated..."

"Separation is not running away from home. I live in a yard every day. I look down and don\'t see it. A fourth sister-in-law is noisy enough. Now there\'s another woman. You can\'t stand it. I can\'t stand it."

"But you don\'t have two daughters in law."

"It\'s different." Qiduojin can\'t think of any other excuse. At most, he emphasizes that the situation between him and qixingyun is completely different.

"What\'s different? I think it\'s the same." Forgive qiduodi for being a straight head and not thinking as much as qiduojin.

So Qi Duojin was so angry that he really wanted to slam the door out. After talking with him for a long time, he was just casting pearls before swine

After dinner, Chi Ziyu brought the pickled green mang to the table.

The pickled green awn is not so sour at the beginning, slightly sour, and some sweet.

Qingmang itself has a lot of water. Chi Ziyu has a lot of fun and can\'t stop at all.

"You should also eat less. If you eat too much, be careful of sour teeth." Qi Xingyun reminded her, "go and write the words you want to practice today."