My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 440

But he himself had a big arm and a round waist, and an oil head and a big ear.

Qi shuipei also looked at it and stayed for a while. It took him a long time to recover. He smiled, "fourth brother... I just want to eat some green Mans, and fourth sister-in-law won\'t let me..."

"No one is allowed to eat without my permission," Qi Xingyun said coldly.

Even to his sister.

Qishuipei stared at his cold look, worried and witty, and quickly put down Qingmang.

"I... I won\'t eat..." Qi shuipei was about to cry.

It doesn\'t matter that others are cruel to her. I didn\'t expect her fourth brother to be so cruel to her.

Every time she was bullied by her fourth brother, she felt that she was going to die wronged and didn\'t know how to fight back.

"Eh, shuipei, you want to eat very much. Why don\'t you eat it?" Qi Duojin was not happy and turned to Qi Xingyun and said, "old four, look, you brought so many green mans back. It\'s impossible for you and your sister-in-law to eat alone. This will be spread. Everyone will say you two..."

Qixingyun\'s mouth was slightly hooked, cold and arrogant, "so what."

Faced with the rogue Qi Xingyun, Qi Duojin had no choice but to look at Qi shuipei for help.

Qishuipei shriveled his mouth and couldn\'t say a word for a long time. Then he snorted, "fourth brother, I hate you!"

He stamped his feet angrily and ran out.

"Ah! Shui Pei, don\'t go! You really don\'t want Qingmang..."

Qi Duojin wanted to fight for it again. As a result, Qi shuipei, the shield, ran away. He didn\'t dare to stay here. For a moment, he chased him in a rage.

Chi Ziyu shook his head silently.

Sometimes she has no choice in the face of all kinds of people at home.

Who is more indifferent and close to, and it should be said that she is eccentric and a bowl of water is uneven.

Just be partial. She\'s really such a vulgar person.

If you dare to be so arrogant in front of her, she will naturally fight back impolitely.

Those who want to take advantage should first see if their face is so big, otherwise it is wishful thinking.

"I cut some green awns. Would you like to come and have a try?" Chi Ziyu turned and asked Qi Xingyun.

I don\'t want to mention anything more about what happened just now. Anyway, it happens every time.


Qixingyun came.

Chi Zi fish picked up a piece and put it into his mouth. "In fact, I just ate a few pieces. It\'s so sour."

Qi Xingyun ate a piece of green awn, and the green acid spread to his gums. He frowned, "well, sour."

Chi Ziyu laughed. "Go and help me get the plum powder and sugar. I\'ll put the green Mang in and marinate it. I won\'t cut too much tonight, just enough for both of us."


Qixingyun turned to get the plum powder and sugar, and helped pour them into the big bowl of Qingmang.

"That\'s enough."

Cranberry powder and sugar cover the pulp a whole layer, green and white, moist.

"Yes." Late roe fish way, she put in the last green awns, took a pair of chopsticks and stirred them evenly.

Let it stand and marinate.

After finishing these, they packed up for dinner.

Chi Zi fish cooked two dishes and one soup.

The soup is spinach tofu soup.

At dinner, Chi Ziyu asked him about his trip in the mountain today, and qixingyun answered them one by one.

Nothing more than looking for medicinal materials. Too cheap medicinal materials pass directly, which can also improve efficiency.

When I was looking for herbs, I ran into a Swertia, and Qi Xingyun shot it down.