My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 439

Dinner is ready, just waiting for qixingyun to take a bath, and they will sit down and have dinner together.

"Fourth brother." The cry of qishuipei came faintly.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t close the door. Qishuipei stepped into the kitchen the next second.

"What is the fourth sister-in-law doing?" Qishuipei asked with a smile when he saw the green Mang in Chi Ziyu\'s hand.

"Cut the green awn. What else can I do?"

Qishuipei disdainfully glanced at the ground and felt strange when he saw the prey on the ground.

"Oh, why did my fourth brother come back with so many things? I remember playing a lot when I didn\'t separate." Qishuipei road.

"Your fourth brother\'s legs are only good for a long time. His actions are certainly not as sharp as before. Besides, it\'s good to be able to hit the prey. Let you go up the mountain. I\'m afraid you can\'t even catch a chicken." Chi Ziyu opened his eyes and lied.

Qishuipei had some doubts that the fourth brother only revealed that these prey were hidden. Hearing Chi Ziyu say this, he suddenly changed his mind.

At least her fourth brother is also a person who has collapsed in bed and decadent for several months. No matter how capable he is, he must be much worse than before.

For a moment, she said, "the fourth sister-in-law, you let my fourth brother go up the mountain. Be careful that my fourth brother will never return one day. Let you be a widow."

Chi Ziyu hated the dog\'s mouth that couldn\'t spit out ivory. He turned his eyes and said, "keep your mouth clean. You can\'t see your fourth brother like this?"

"Do I look like such a person? I don\'t care about my fourth brother\'s body. I\'m not like you. I know my fourth brother\'s legs and feet are bad, and I have to force him to go up the mountain. Whose woman is as heartless as you and calls her husband as a cow." Qishuipei sarcastically said.

With that, she went to Chi Ziyu, picked up the green awn in the basket, and asked, "this green awn was picked back by my fourth brother?"

Chi Zi fish didn\'t lift his eyes and hummed, "otherwise."

Without saying a word, Qi shuipei mentioned it in his hand, "I want it too."

Chi Ziyu glared at her and snapped, "have you agreed with me? You can take it."

"Sister in law, if Shui Pei wants to eat, you can let her eat. She\'s still a little girl\'s family. She\'s inevitably greedy. If old four is here, she will also eat.

In the past, old four brought back some good things. They all went into shuipei\'s mouth. You don\'t know he hurts shuipei. " Qiduojin swallowed the Tunkou waterway.

In fact, he is also greedy for the green Mans. He just doesn\'t know whether qixingyun is near here. He doesn\'t dare to fool around for fear of being ready-made by him.

"Yes, you don\'t know how much my fourth brother hurts me. This is what my fourth brother brought back to everyone. Why should you occupy it alone.

You\'re not the only relative of my fourth brother. I\'m still his sister. Bah! It\'s shameless! " Qishuipei turned his face and made a bad voice and bad airway.

Chi Ziyu\'s kitchen knife for cutting green awn suddenly became heavy, and he was very unhappy.

Just about to speak, qixingyun came out of the back door of the kitchen.

"I never said it was something for everyone." He said coldly.

"Put down the green awn."

I just took a bath, changed my clean clothes, and spread my slightly wet hair tips in front of me.

A few drops of water vapor steaming from the neck are bright and crystal.

This makes him look very lazy, without showing his usual seriousness and indifference.

Qiduojin was surprised secretly. They were all born by a father and mother.

Why is the fourth brother so handsome.