My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 434

Chi Zijiang put down his chopsticks and talked endlessly. Qixingyun\'s voice suddenly came, "I agree with little fish."

He just passed by unintentionally.

Since I just heard it, I came over and made my position clear.

He politely bowed his hands to Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Huang, and then said, "Xiaoyu and I are husband and wife. What she wants to do, I\'ll do my best to help her.

She wants to buy mountains, and I will help her do it. There are many difficulties at present, which can not become our resistance. I believe that as long as we are willing to work hard, there is nothing we can\'t do.

If the city Lord really wants to change hands on the mountain, I\'m willing to pay the money. At that time, I just hope you can say something nice for us in front of the city Lord. "

The words are sonorous and powerful.

Mrs. Xu was shocked.

Qi Xingyun\'s words really surprised her.

Look calm, speak calmly and speak elegantly.

Even the temperament from top to bottom is a little different.

It was the first time Mrs. Xu really noticed the uniqueness of qixingyun, a peasant man.

His doting, his ambition, his confidence

The image of such a peasant man has completely subverted all Mrs. Xu\'s perceptions of rural men.

The atmosphere was silent for a long time.

Chi Ziyu looked at Mrs. Xu\'s pensive face and couldn\'t figure out her thoughts.

Would you like to intercede with her or not?

After all, in fact, she and Mrs. Xu really don\'t have much friendship. It\'s purely a business relationship.

Today\'s decision is actually very bold and risky.

She was also hot headed and impulsive.

Mrs. Xu may be angry or refuse politely.

Seriously, the probability that she will agree is too small.

But not impulsive means giving up the opportunity. How can you know whether you can succeed in the future?

So she and Qi Xingyun waited patiently for Mrs. Xu\'s reply.

If not... Take one step at a time

Chi Zijiang wiped the sweat on his face with a handkerchief.

I don\'t know how to be nervous for them.

Why are these two people so arrogant? How dare you put forward such a request? It\'s really fatal!

At that time, it annoyed Mrs. Xu. I see they don\'t have enough to eat

Don\'t bother her. She still wants to make good use of these contact opportunities to have a good relationship with Mrs. Xu.

It\'s best to be a good friend. If you tell me about it in the future, she will have a light on her face.

I really can\'t figure out the behavior of four younger sisters and brother-in-law.

It\'s not good to grow the land obediently. Buy this and that every day and do so many flashy things. Be careful to lose your life in the future.

Mrs. Xu certainly doesn\'t like qixingyun. No matter how capable she is, she can\'t compare with those senior officials and nobles.

How could he mean to rob a large family of resources, even if they don\'t disdain to own them.

Thinking so, Chi Zijiang said, "my brother-in-law, you\'re really confused like a little fish. She\'s not clear headed and can\'t do anything, even you. Do you know how much it costs to buy mountains?

No matter how cheap the mountain is, it won\'t be cheaper than the land. Where can you get so much money? I tell you, we are all small families, but we don\'t have the money to lend you to do such a stupid thing... "

Chi Zi Jiang Shang was talking about it and wanted to take it over. Unexpectedly, Mrs. Xu spoke slowly.

"Yes." Mrs. Xu smiled and nodded, "in fact, I admire your husband and wife\'s courage."