My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 435

Mrs. Xu saw something called hope in the couple.

The days they lived could not be more ordinary, and even in her eyes, they were particularly miserable.

But people are not poor.

Everyone is not willing to take over the mountains, they are willing to.

They are willing to work hard, overcome difficulties and achieve their goals.

Mrs. Xu didn\'t think clearly how she agreed. It may be sympathy or recognition.

In a word, she appreciated what qixingyun said just now.

From the bottom of her heart, Mrs. Xu expressed her admiration for the man who didn\'t smile.

What you say is not as beautiful as what you do.

Qi Xingyun\'s words are very beautiful, but what he does is also very beautiful.

Previously, I heard Chi Ziyu say that on the surface, she seems to be in charge of things at home. In fact, most things are Qi Xingyun\'s efforts behind her back.

If there were no clouds, there would be no Chi Zi fish today.

Mrs. Xu didn\'t take this seriously at first.

Until I heard qixingyun speak with my own ears, it was a blockbuster.

She finally believed that there were really many good men with responsibility and courage in the world.

Mrs. Xu herself has appreciated Chi Ziyu\'s strength and intelligence, which has brought down a qixingyun.

The two husband and wife\'s favor in her heart has greatly improved.

Mrs. Xu added, "when I get back, I\'ll discuss this with my brother. I\'ll try my best to help you get the chance to buy the mountain."

Mrs. Xu always felt that her decision today was not wrong at all.

The couple gave her a sense of stability, responsibility, ability and willingness to bear hardships.

If they were to take care of the mountains, she would see an earth shaking change in a few years.

Chi Ziyu\'s face was happy, and the hanging stone in his heart fell to the ground with a bang.

She smiled and thanked, "thank you, madam."

Qi Xingyun also bowed his hand and thanked, "thank you, madam."

Mrs. Xu looked at Qi Xingyun and said with satisfaction, "I\'m willing to help you speak, not for anything else, but simply believe that you and little fish can make great achievements in the future.

Although it does cost some money to buy mountains, you don\'t have to worry too much. I\'ll help you find a way. "

"They don\'t know a few words. What can they do? It makes people laugh..." Chi Zijiang whispered.

She was amazed at Mrs. Xu\'s decision.

She thought Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun had a brain attack. Just ignore it. As a result, Mrs. Xu followed.

If something really happens in the future, who will bear the responsibility?

Little fish is really. Why is your heart so big? What\'s the situation at home? Don\'t you have a number in your heart?

At that time, the family will be broken and people will die. Don\'t lose their face when they starve to death in the street.

Mrs. Xu looked at Chi Zijiang and said in a deep voice, "don\'t deceive the young man. Now your sister\'s life may be much worse than others, but who can be sure it will be the same in the future."

Chi Zijiang was blocked by Mrs. Xu\'s words and stopped talking for a moment.

Chi Ziyu looked at the topic he had just delayed a lot of effort, so he hurriedly asked them to eat, "we\'d better eat quickly, lest the dishes be cold."


"Xingyun, go and have a meal, too." Chi Ziyu said again.

Qi Xingyun smiled, "you eat first. I\'ll fix the last few ear trees."

Then he left.

When he left, Mrs. Xu said to Chi Ziyu: