My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 433

"Your village is very nice, with beautiful mountains and rivers, pure and simple." Mrs. Xu nodded.

"Unfortunately, there are more mountains and less land." Chi Zijiang interrupted, "people in our village are always fighting over the size of these fields. Madam, you have just seen that there were almost mountains all the way, and even the fields were terraces on the hillside. There were so few fields."

Chi Zijiang sighed again, "my sister-in-law is really unlucky. She married to such a family. She has a mother-in-law and sister-in-law. She is like a wolf\'s nest. It\'s not easy to separate. Her mother-in-law is also cruel and only allocated one mu of land to them.

They have no choice but to seek other ways to make a living. For example, if these flower and grass growers were not forced to have no way out, which farmer would leave his work in the field and toss about these things. "

Mrs. Xu smelled the speech and looked slightly restrained. "There should be such a thing."

Chi Ziyu didn\'t expect Chi Zijiang to poke these bad things out, so he had to smile and say, "in fact, there are benefits of not farming. My husband and I can make some profits by taking care of these flowers and plants every day."

Huang Fu said humanely, "although I don\'t know farming, even I know that fields are the lifeblood of farmers."

Chi Ziyu couldn\'t laugh or cry. "Madam misunderstood. We rented 20 mu of dry land to plant sunflowers. It\'s not without land."

"Little fish, you are sometimes too good at bullying. Your father-in-law\'s dozens of acres of land can\'t be divided into only one mu of your family, and you won\'t rent other people\'s seeds. No matter how good the land of others is, it\'s better than being in your own hands.

Your father-in-law is looking at you and old four being bullied and deliberately discussing and grinding you. If it weren\'t for the fact that you and old four still have some skills, they would have starved to death in the village... "

"It\'s better to ask for yourself than others. My husband and I live on our own. We live in poverty and wealth. At least we live by our own hands." Chi Ziyu said softly.

"Speaking of..." Mrs. Xu suddenly remembered something and said slowly, "I talked to my brother before. When I talked about coming to your Yunshui village, my brother said that there are many mountains in your village. The government has a large number of mountains to transfer to others, but I haven\'t found a buyer yet."

"The original owner of this mountain is an official. He was robbed of his home for corruption and dereliction of duty a while ago. His family has countless land properties.

After all, you can hire long-term workers to plant or rent seeds to others, so it is easy to obtain income.

But it\'s not easy in the mountains. It\'s not easy to plant crops. We can only plant some fruits. Moreover, the cultivation cycle of fruit trees is long, and the harvest depends on God. Everyone thinks it\'s a hot potato and doesn\'t want to take over. "

Chi Ziyu thought for a moment and said, "I have this intention to set down these mountains, but..."

Chi Zijiang\'s face changed and hurriedly said, "little fish, you\'re confused. This land is not cheap, and who would be so foolish to take the money to pan mountain.

When the time comes, you have invested all your money, but you can\'t grow any fruit. What if you lose money? You and the fourth are living on sight... "

"Besides, even if you are willing to offer, your fourth son won\'t. how can he put so much money into it?"