My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 432

"Little fish, is the meal ready? I took Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Huang for a walk in our village. People are tired." Chi Zijiang came into the sidewalk.

Looking at their sweating, they are really tired.

"It\'s almost ready." Chi Ziyu was filling a bowl of his big bone soup and said to Qi Xingyun, "go and move our table outside to prepare for dinner."


Their family hasn\'t built a new big dining table, mainly because the house itself is too small to put, so it has been hanging.

Today, when the two ladies came, they had to make do with the small table in her family.

Chi Ziyu brought the dishes to the table and explained with a smile, "I was going to play a big table, but I really can\'t put it at home. In addition, I usually eat with my husband and I, so I haven\'t paid much attention to this. I really wronged the two ladies today."

In addition to Mrs. Huang\'s discomfort, Mrs. Xu accepted it frankly. She said, "it doesn\'t matter. When our family didn\'t get up, my father was busy taking the merit test, and the conditions at home were poor.

We all ate at such a small table. At that time, we had two meals a day, two dishes and one soup. Life was hard, but our sisters and brothers felt very happy. "

So the small table at Chi Ziyu\'s house reminds Mrs. Xu of her childhood.

Mrs. Huang also said, "I have had a smooth life since I was a child, and I don\'t know what a simple and happy day is. Today is my first personal experience. Although the table is small, it has strong human feelings."

Both ladies can understand the situation of Chi Ziyu\'s house very well.

The couple brought all the meals to the table and greeted several guests to dinner.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun were not in a hurry to eat. They let several guests eat first.

After several invitations from Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Huang, Chi Ziyu was willing to sit down and eat, but Qi Xingyun went to work on something else.

However, it is understandable that the women at the same table are more taboo.

Several people at the dinner table were interested in the spicy frog dish of Chi Ziyu, and it didn\'t take long to sweep away.

"Sure enough, the game in the countryside is delicious." Huang Fu said humanely, "I\'ve eaten so many delicacies, but it\'s my first time to eat Tian chicken. It\'s fresh, tender and fragrant. It\'s very delicious."

"This pheasant was caught by the pond last night by my husband and I. It took a long time. Just today, the two ladies came, so I cooked the rest of the pheasants for everyone to taste." Late roe path.

"It was a coincidence when we came together, otherwise we might not even see the chicken legs." Mrs. Xu smiled.

"To tell you the truth, it\'s true." Said the fish.

"They say it\'s good to live in the city. It\'s convenient to go out and have a lot of knowledge of the world. In fact, sometimes it\'s good to live in the countryside. As long as you are willing to do it yourself, you can\'t get any food.

Even if we, the ordinary people in the city, have to go to the city early in the morning to buy what food to eat every day, it\'s also a lot of trouble. " Chi Zijiang said.

Mrs. Xu and Mrs. Huang both laughed without speaking.

They have no place to speak on this topic.

The two ladies are obviously not ordinary people.

One is the elder sister of the city Lord, the husband is still a general, and the other is also Xun GUI of the city.

They never need to work on these things, just manipulate the overall situation.