My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 422

Therefore, animals are usually caught by living clouds, and plants are usually caught by late fish.

Two clever people live together. They can eat game all over the world without saying anything.

People who don\'t have some skills really can\'t learn the fun of these two people\'s life.

"This dish is delicious." Qi Xingyun was full of praise after eating Ruyi food.

"Of course it\'s delicious. After all, it\'s my dish, but I didn\'t pinch a lot. Just eat one meal. After all, eating too much is bad for my health." Late roe path.

"Well, just have a meal to satisfy your greed. Next time we\'ll get something else to eat."

"What would you like to eat?"


"Then..." Chi Ziyu thought, "let\'s pick up mussels."

"Not tomorrow."

"I know. I\'m going to town tomorrow. I\'ll talk about it in a few days." Chi Ziyu said, "I have a hunch that the last few ladies will come to our house to buy more meat these days. We\'d better stay at home until they come."


After dinner this evening, Qi Xingyun said that he had to draw the custom-made flower pot first.

They have pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

At first, Chi Ziyu was worried that qixingyun might not paint well. At that time, the pottery teacher could not recognize it.

There may be a little trouble.

In fact, she\'s not worried about anything.

Qixingyun\'s painting skills are so good that it seems that she can\'t imagine.

It is not a freehand ink painting, but a serious drawing.

Shape, size, width, height... How far each part should be, he marked it one by one in small letters.

He also drew small pictures to show and mark the internal details of the flowerpot.

Dense, but it doesn\'t look messy.

And Qixing cloud painting ground is very fast, and there is no carton in the whole process.

Chi Ziyu only needs to remind him occasionally what she wants to make.

The rest is conceived by qixingyun alone.

After Qi Xingyun finished drawing the first drawing, Chi Ziyu was shocked.

She held up the drawing in front of her, opened her eyes wide and looked at it for a long time, and finally looked at qixingyun in disbelief.

Asked, "have you ever been to school before?"

All along, Qi Xingyun was a little smarter, more capable and more capable than ordinary farmers in her eyes

Maybe it\'s really a personal qualification problem. She always thinks qixingyun is very powerful.

The one whose IQ blew up.

But he can draw!!

A scholar like Qi duocai is not necessarily good at painting. Painting is also a technical job.

It doesn\'t mean you\'ll read a book.

Those who have not read books, not to mention, may not even hold the pen.

Qi Xingyun smiled faintly, "why? My painting is so good?"

"It\'s not generally good." Chi Ziyu said, "where did you learn these skills? I feel that no one in your family can draw."

What a rare talent!

"You said I was smart."

"Smart is smart, but painting is not instructed, and ordinary people can\'t draw anything." Late roe path.

"I can also do carpentry and bamboo work. I haven\'t touched those before, and they are not all sold now."

Qixingyun tried to use this example to prove that these were really just made up by himself.


Although it is indeed a reason.

A person really wants to be smart. In fact, he can do everything with ease.