My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 421

"I... I didn\'t."

"Pei\'er, how did you talk to your sister-in-law?" Qijiabao said in a deep voice.

Although qijiabao dotes on qishuipei\'s little daughter, he doesn\'t want to see that she is always so uneducated.

"Our Peier said something wrong." Wang said, "it\'s all true. I\'m a girl like Peier. You don\'t love her and love her. I\'m a mother. I don\'t need you."

Qijiabao was so angry with Wang\'s obvious favoritism, "you are really..."

Just, qijiabao doesn\'t want to argue with Wang in front of his children.

After all, he has to defend the authority of his parents.

"In the afternoon, let Yaoyao and I pick gold and silver flowers." Wang said, "Yao Yao, you don\'t have to go to the ground today."

Qiyao nodded, "Oh."

Chen Xiang felt a little uncomfortable.

Together, Qi shuipei is a pro daughter, and Qi Yao is not a pro granddaughter?

This differential treatment is too obvious.

Wang ordered her sister-in-law to do this and that. She was willing to bear it. After all, this was what she should do. She had no regrets about her responsibility.

But why put the work on her little girl?

How old is her daughter? She\'s not as tall as the stove. What can she do.

Wang has the heart

Chen Xiang blushed and looked at qiduodi. He was eating silently, as if he hadn\'t heard.

Wang\'s orders never need others to make decisions.

Chi Ziyu picked a lot of honeysuckle in the afternoon. In addition to honeysuckle, she also picked some Ruyi dishes.

Ruyi food.

As the name suggests, it is a fern shaped like Ruyi.

It usually grows on wet hillsides and bushes.

Chi Zi fish was also inadvertently seen when picking flowers.

Take its tender leaves.

The tender leaves have a layer of white and fine fluff with soft texture.

Chi Ziyu pinched a handful of Ruyi vegetables and went back.

Remove the old roots and curls and wash the fluff in water.

Fluff is not easy to handle. It usually needs to be washed several times.

Then boil a pot of water and soften the Ruyi dish.

Take it out and pass the cold water again. Mix it with the seasoning prepared in advance, and you can make a cold Ruyi dish.

Ruyi vegetable is cold in nature and has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, but you can\'t eat more, otherwise it is easy to hurt your spleen and stomach.

Qixingyun was pleasantly surprised to see this salad at night.

In fact, in Yunshui village, a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, whether flying in the sky, running on the ground or swimming in the water, the food materials are particularly rich.

Thoughtful people can see any plant as a food and bring it back to cook.

I don\'t have much mind. I live a three meal life day after day with those ordinary dishes at home every day.

Eating is not enjoyment, but a routine.

If you don\'t eat, you\'ll be hungry.

Once you are hungry, you can\'t work in the field.

Being unable to work affects the survival of the family.

However, most people are running for the most basic survival. Even if they have the foundation to enjoy life, they don\'t have the courage.

Chi Ziyu is undoubtedly a person who understands life.

It\'s time to eat and drink, and don\'t be careless when doing things seriously.

In short, I will never treat my body badly.

Although Qi Xingyun\'s mind is not as delicate as Chi Ziyu, he is not so particular about eating and drinking.

But he has a principle that he will try his best to get what Chi Ziyu wants to eat.