My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 423

Like Qi Xingyun, he knows medical skills and the living habits of various animals and plants.

Chi Ziyu has a lot of meat. He will tell Chi Ziyu what to pay attention to.

Such as soil, such as sunlight and water.

So is planting sunflowers.

He is like a treasure bag. As long as a problem falls on him, he can easily find the trick and break through it.

Chi Ziyu thought of a slang in the village: tigers in the mountains and dragons in the water.

He seems to hide many unknown secrets, waiting for Chi Ziyu\'s careful excavation.

Chi Ziyu suddenly asked, "are you really born to your parents?"

It\'s just a casual question.

Chi Ziyu almost asked him with a smile, just ridicule.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t expect Qi Xingyun\'s eyes to condense imperceptibly. He quickly smiled and nodded, "yes, why not."

Chi Ziyu is suspicious.

Qi Xingyun explained, "my parents used to wander outside and beg for a few years. I followed them when I was young and learned some skills. In addition, you said I was smart. I haven\'t forgotten yet."

Chi Ziyu wanted to give him some big eyes.


The next day, they went to Jiangcheng with several completed drawings.

There are few people in the streets because it is not a day.

The sun swept the whole empty long street.

They went to a shop specializing in making pottery and porcelain.

Chi Ziyu showed the drawing to master sang and said his general requirements for the flowerpot.

Master sang looked at the drawing and nodded again and again, "your explanation of the drawing has been very detailed. Madam can rest assured that I will be able to make a flower pot to your satisfaction."

"OK, thank you, master. What about you?" Chi Ziyu smiled.

Because master sang is willing to accept the order, the two sides will discuss the specific matters of cooperation.

The deposit for making flower pots is ten Liang silver.

The rest will be paid after completion.

Each type of flowerpot has a different price, and master sang said he would deliver it to the door.

So Chi Ziyu just needs to tell her her home address. When the flowerpot is ready, people will send it within the specified time.

The discussion between the two sides was successful.

After giving the deposit, Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun left.

In his spare time, he wandered the street for a long time.

There is also a benefit of not shopping during the market day.

Every store is not overcrowded, and Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun don\'t have to shorten the shopping time because they are in a hurry to buy.

Chi Ziyu is going to buy clothes and rouge powder.

These two things are always the most enjoyable for girls.

Chi Ziyu thinks that she has never been a very diligent and thrifty woman. If she has some money in her hand, she will want to spend it.

Qixingyun never stopped her, and even helped the tyrant, for fear that she would ill treat herself by buying less.

Like buying clothes here.

Now they choose cotton clothes with better cloth to wear, both inside and outside.

Chi Ziyu almost doesn\'t buy cloth to make it by himself now.

It takes too much effort to do it by herself. She is very busy just managing the plants and pheasants at home every day.

In the evening, I have to seize the time to read and write. I don\'t have time to make clothes for myself.

It\'s going to summer.

Chi Ziyu mainly buys light summer clothes and qixingyun.

Choose the same color as husband and wife, light blue with royal blue, light purple with dark purple