My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 420

Because there were bees around the hive, Wang didn\'t dare to get close. He only looked at it from a distance, but his face turned green when he came back.

At dinner, Wang read it with qijiabao.

Qijiabao said, "the old four can get the bees home. It\'s his own ability. If you have the ability, ask the boss to get them too."

"Dad, the bee doesn\'t recognize people. It stung everyone when it caught." How can I do that.

How can you call him every time something bad happens.

Qijiabao humed stiffly, "yes, our eldest brother and second brother don\'t have such ability. Don\'t make a swollen face to be fat. It\'s easy for you to raise bees. I\'m afraid the fourth is stung."

Wang\'s heart was filled with confusion. "Since scoring the home, our family and the old four have their own lives. We parents protect and take care of our children everywhere and try not to make trouble for them. They are children themselves. Why don\'t they have the consciousness of filial piety to their parents."

"We raised him so big, but we didn\'t let his wings harden and ignore us. After that, we two really can\'t do anything. Don\'t we have to starve to death in the village..." Wang added.

"Mom, you can rest assured that there are still me and my brother. The fourth brother has no conscience and doesn\'t know how to repay your upbringing. Can I keep it in mind with my brother? It will definitely make you popular and spicy when you get old." Qi Duojin said happily.

Qijiabao was very pleased, "it\'s good for you to have this heart."

Wang pretended to sigh, "sure enough, the meat that fell from his body is the closest to himself..."

Qijiabao looked at him and said, "the fourth didn\'t do anything special. We are parents. If we can be tolerant, we should be tolerant as much as possible."

Originally, everyone was still confused about Wang\'s words. When Qi Jiabao changed the topic, he didn\'t think about the bending of his head here.

It\'s just that Wang said something wrong.

Wang knew qijiabao wouldn\'t let her reveal it, so he stopped mentioning it wisely.

"Shuipei, in the afternoon, we also went to the mountain to pick honeysuckle. Look, your fourth sister-in-law picked a basket this morning. We hurried to pick it. We couldn\'t pick it later." Wang changed the topic.

Qi shuipei was reluctant, "why did you let me go..."

"Your sister-in-law, they all have to work in the field. Who won\'t you go?" Wang said.

Qishuipei then pointed to Qiyao, who was eating at the end of her head. "Yao Yao can go with you. Anyway, she doesn\'t have to do anything except send something in the field, but she can\'t be lazy."

"Yao Yao is still small and short. I\'m afraid she can\'t pick flowers..."

Before Chen Xiang finished his euphemistic refusal, Qi shuipei was cold and said in a voice, "what\'s the small age? Who didn\'t start working at this age? Look at the two eggs in our village. They went to the field to plant seedlings at a young age. Yao Yao, a dead girl, has enough to eat every day and has nothing to do."

"You\'re such an adult, isn\'t it the same..." Chen Xiang retorted in a low voice.

Qi shuipei didn\'t like others to question her and said, "how old am I? I haven\'t married yet. My youngest daughter at home, even if you don\'t love me, you still ask me to work in the field. Have a face, you."

Finally, she sneered, "sister-in-law, you have a long ambition recently. You always doubt me. Why, you don\'t like me recently."