My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 419

"Hey, it shouldn\'t be Shui Pei making lunch again today. If I eat the rice she makes, I\'ll throw up." Guo Jinlian said.

While talking, everyone has gone back to the house.

Guo Jinlian first went to the kitchen to have a look. Fortunately, Wang is cooking today.

Wang hasn\'t cooked for 800 years.

She certainly can\'t eat the dishes made by qishuipei, otherwise she can\'t cook herself.

Guo Jinlian was looking around. Qi Duojin also poked his head, "who\'s cooking today?"

Guo Jinlian pointed to the past, "here, it\'s my mother."

Qiduo Jinli Ma eyebrows and smiles, "it\'s time for this."

"So what?" Qishuipei\'s stern question suddenly came, "what\'s the matter with my cooking? Second brother, you haven\'t even cooked a meal. Why do you say I can\'t cook? If you don\'t want to eat, go away and eat by ourselves."

Qi Duojin looked at Qi shuipei\'s fierce look and said, "I\'m just talking. Shuipei, you can cook better than me..."

"What are you yelling about outside? If you\'re so free, come in and help me burn a fire. You can\'t help me if you don\'t see me." Wang, who was cooking, suddenly made a bad noise.

She\'s a little rusty because she hasn\'t cooked for too long.

Busy with this, missed that, picked up sesame and lost watermelon.

Guo Jinlian and Qi Duojin heard the speech and ran away with tacit understanding.

Only qishuipei went into the kitchen alone and didn\'t go to burn the fire. He just complained, "Mom, my fourth brother brought back a beehive today. There are a lot of bees in the box. My fourth brother is afraid he wants to raise bees and get honey by himself in the future."

While cooking, Wang had to look at the fire in the stove. He was so busy that he was sweating that he was dying of anxiety.

"The second daughter-in-law is getting bolder and bolder. Tell her to do something and run away. I won\'t clean her up when I look back."

Then he came back and said, "what? Your fourth brother brought a box of bees back? Where did the bees go?"

"It\'s in the forest over there. Mom, you go and have a look. My fourth brother is so disgraceful. He scores his home. He makes this and that every day. He feeds the smelly woman of the fourth sister-in-law. He really annoys me!"

As soon as Wang\'s face sank, he wiped his gray hand on his apron, hurriedly stood up to go out and have a look, and stopped again.

I\'ll go and have a look when I fry this dish

"The fourth brother doesn\'t know how to help us raise bees." Qi shuipei complained, "I\'ve never eaten my own honey since I\'m so old."

"The fourth is obsessed by the fox spirit now. He doesn\'t know what\'s good or bad. When he\'s cruel, he doesn\'t even recognize my mother." Wang said, "look at this morning. I know that my fourth daughter-in-law deliberately choked me. He doesn\'t know how to speak for me."

Qi shuipei stamped his foot, "I said that woman can\'t stay."

Wang was upset. "When I wanted to let that woman in, your fourth brother had to marry her."

While talking, the smell of a vegetable paste came to my face.

Wang Shi surprised to look into the pot. His fried lentils had already been pasted.

Looking at the dark mass in the pot, Wang was so angry that he stamped his feet.

Hurriedly adding water to save him, he was angry and helpless, "hey... Don\'t talk to me first, my dish is burnt!"

Back to the four rooms, those two are not good.

Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun have lunch in the house.

The fried pheasant meat is really fragrant and spicy. The Chi Zi fish can\'t stop eating.

Wang went to the bamboo forest by himself.