My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 418

Honeysuckle has a faint fragrance when it opens. The smell is actually very good.

Chi Ziyu went back after picking a basket and met several women\'s families on the way.

One by one, they were amazed that Chi Ziyu had so much spare time that he picked so many honeysuckle back.

Others are busy in the field at this time.

When I got home, qixingyun was already at home.

He just put the beehive in the bamboo forest.

Bees should stay away from people, otherwise people are easy to be hurt by them.

Chi Ziyu put down his flower basket and wanted to join the fun. He was stopped by qixingyun.

"Don\'t go there. Be careful of being bitten." Qi Xingyun said, "I moved the whole hive to the hive and detained their queen bee. These bees have changed their new home. They are still very uncomfortable and fly around the box."

"Shall we give them something to eat?"

Chi Ziyu is not very clear about the living habits of bees. He only knows that this guy can pick honey.

But since it is a living thing, it will always eat and drink Lazar.

"I put honey on them and can keep them for a few days. When they adapt, they will go out to collect flower honey without us taking care of them."

"So simple? I thought they had something else to eat."

"Well, it\'s OK. When I find some more beehives next time, we\'ll keep more boxes of bees."

"Uh huh."

"Have you picked all your gold and silver flowers?"

"I\'ve picked a basket. I\'m going to pick some in the afternoon. I found a lot of honeysuckle on the mountain. Now everyone is busy. Few people pick it. Some people ask children to come and pick it."

"Do you want my help?"

"No, I can do it alone. Go and do something else. The soil at our Guanyin temple should be loose."

"Then I\'ll loosen the soil this afternoon."


The honeysuckle collected does not need cleaning, otherwise it is easy to break.

So Chi Ziyu directly took a drying plate and sprinkled the yellow and white honeysuckle to dry.

While drying, you have to pick out the leaves and sundries in the honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle doesn\'t need to be exposed to the sun. Just put it under the ginkgo tree and let it dry in this slightly hot weather.

After drying honeysuckle, it\'s time to prepare lunch.

We\'ll have fried chicken at noon.

Only a part of the pheasants were dissected, and some pheasants continued to be raised in gunny bags for a few days.

If you want to eat one day, cut some fresh ones temporarily and put them in the pot.

Add onion, ginger, garlic and other ingredients into the pot and stir fry with frog, and the smell overflows the pot.

Chi Ziyu himself is not wanted by Xiangdi.

As soon as Qijia came back from work, they stepped into the yard and knew that Chi Ziyu was making delicious food again.

Every time she makes delicious food, it can make these idle people who can only see and can\'t eat envy and hate.

"My sister-in-law must be frying frog today." Guo Jinlian said.

This foot, ah, moved to Chi Ziyu\'s house very disappointingly.

Moved half, and consciously turned back.

"Dad, my sister-in-law is a frog at home. I don\'t know how to share some of us." Guo Jinlian muttered angrily.

"Our family doesn\'t have no food. We stare at what others do in the pot every day. If you want to eat a frog, let the second go to the field to catch it." Qijiabao road.

Qi Duojin said angrily, "come on, Dad, don\'t call me about this kind of thing. I haven\'t caught a pheasant in such a big fight. Don\'t fall into the field at that time."

Qijiabao looked at him helplessly and said nothing.