My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 417

Chi Ziyu patted his head, "look at my head. You didn\'t give me money. I\'m confused again. I\'m really sorry..."

Before the play of Chi Ziyu was finished, Wang\'s face turned black. Don\'t be ugly.

I thought people would take it for granted that they would advance money to help buy things. After all, qixingyun didn\'t ask her for it at all yesterday

Qixingyun is a big man, and it is certainly impossible to haggle over these money, so Wang feels at ease with white wolf with empty hands.

Unexpectedly, she bumped into the muzzle of the gun today and was directly picked out by Chi Ziyu.

But Wang couldn\'t admit that she didn\'t give money on purpose, so she patted her forehead and said with an embarrassed smile, "no... I\'m really old and have a bad memory. I forgot to pay you, which almost cost you."

"Old four, how much did you spend on those things yesterday? I\'ll get the money now."

"Three Liang." Qixingyun road.

Three Liang

A lot

Wang took a deep breath and didn\'t know how ugly his smile was. "Fourth, your third brother is about to take the exam. We haven\'t found the silver for the exam in Beijing. I\'ll return the silver to you before your third brother gets famous. Now it\'s all the money for your third brother\'s exam. It\'s important."


"That Niang, you have to remember. I can\'t remember. I\'m afraid I\'ll forget." Chi Ziyu interrupts.

"Sure, at least we\'ve separated. I\'m an old man. How can I rely on you young people."

Wang gnashed his teeth and stared at Chi Ziyu.

Originally, he wanted to say that he wanted some pheasants to go back to eat. Now he was stirred by Chi Ziyu, and Wang was in no mood.

Pay back? Don\'t even think of farts!

I\'m so angry!

"Well, I\'ll go back and see how the meal is."

Wang suppressed his anger and went back.

Chi Ziyu looked at her and walked away. Then he smiled and sighed, "it\'s not easy for us to have a good meal of pheasants. Prevent this and that."

She doesn\'t care about the silver.

These are only a few pheasants. Wang\'s coming to lick his face. Do they have anything to eat.

"Don\'t worry, I really won\'t give it or anyone will leave."



In the morning, I drank small porridge with several hot and sour delicious dishes. Although the pheasant was cleaned up, I had to get something to eat at noon.

After breakfast, Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun packed their things and went out.

Xiao Wang looks after the house at home.

Chi Ziyu went to the hill to pick honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle is a vine plant.

Like to grow around shrubs. No matter what kind of shrubs, they can grow anywhere as long as they can provide space for climbing.

It is said that it has a selective growth habit, but in fact it does not.

In spring, these things are everywhere, yellow and white, clumps after clumps.

Chi Ziyu brought a long sickle for the convenience of picking flowers.

The sickle is used to hook vines.

With only a slight hook, the whole honeysuckle cane was pulled over, and it was also convenient for Chi Ziyu to pick flowers.

Picking honeysuckle requires a lot of patience.

Honeysuckle is so thin and long that you can\'t pick much after picking it for most of the day.

It\'s not easy for Chi Ziyu to pick more.

It took almost the whole morning for Chi Ziyu to pick a whole flower basket.