My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 416

With that, Chi Ziyu drew a small circle.

Represents her little ambition.

Small, but very satisfied.


The next morning, Qi Xingyun released the donkey and came back to dissect the pheasant.

Peeling, eviscerating

The scene was once bloody.

Xiao Wang squatted beside him with great interest, his tail swaying left and right, his eyes staring straight, greedy and bright.

After the internal organs were handled, they were poured into the chicken farm to feed pheasants.

These things can be eaten by chickens, but not by dogs. This is a custom in the village.

Wang heard qishuipei talking about Sifang catching pheasants last night.

Not stealing fish, but catching pheasants.

This morning, they were muttering at the kitchen door for a while.

Qishuipei insists on eating pheasants. Wang is hesitant to ask qixingyun if some pheasants will come back.

"Mom, just go. The fourth brother is your son. He dares not to give you what you want to eat. If he doesn\'t give it, it\'s unfilial. I don\'t believe my fourth brother can afford such a reputation." Qi shuipei urged.

Wang Shi pondered a little, "you\'re right. Your fourth brother is my son. A mother asks her son for something. He can\'t help it."

Originally, Wang didn\'t think about his frog.

However, qishuipei wanted to eat. Wang thought of such nutritious things as pheasants. It was also good to stew a few for Lao San to replenish his body.

In a few days, the third will be far away.

Looking at the thin appearance of the third, Wang was afraid that he could not survive on the way.

So Wang went to qixingyun in a hurry.

"Old four, what are you doing?" Pretending to look over his head, "this is not a frog. Did you go out last night?"

Qixingyun looked at the cleaning and didn\'t lift his head, "yes."

Wang disdainfully left the corners of his mouth and said, "how many did you catch? It looks like a lot."

"Not much."

Wang was not in a hurry. "Our family hasn\'t eaten this for a long time. When we haven\'t separated before, we didn\'t think much of you."


Wang thought it was boring to beat around the bush. Qixingyun liked to answer it.

I had to go straight to the theme, "your third brother should go away in a few days. Your father said that even if he smashed the pot and sold iron, he should get a reputation."

"He went to your uncle\'s house to borrow money yesterday. He will use it as money for the third man at that time..."

"If we have a large family, one more mouth means one more burden. Your second brother and sister-in-law are counsellors and can\'t do anything.

You can\'t count on them for important things at home. Your third brother studies hard and has to help with housework. His body... "

"Oh, mother, why are you here?" Chi Ziyu suddenly came out of the kitchen with a kitchen knife. "Are you asking for money?"

Wang was stunned. "What money?"

"It\'s the money you let us buy things and gave us. I have a bad memory and don\'t remember how much I bought yesterday. I\'m afraid you gave me more money and I bought less things.

Mom, how much did you give Xingyun to buy things yesterday morning? I\'ll give you the rest of the money. If I hadn\'t seen you coming today, I would have forgotten this... "

Wang was confused by Chi Ziyu, "no?"

She didn\'t give qixingyun money yesterday

How could it be.

It\'s out of thin air.

"My husband, how much did my mother give you yesterday?" Asked Chi Ziyu.

"No." Qixingyun short path.