My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 402

"This is called Mingyue. I grafted it." Late roe path.

"Can more meat be grafted?" Mrs. Li said in surprise.


"Then your hand is really clever."

"Madam, I\'m flattered."

"Where, we are sincerely praising you. It\'s the first time I\'ve seen such a skillful girl like you."

"My sister\'s good craft. I can\'t even learn it as a sister. Madam, you don\'t know how much I envy her." From time to time, Chi Zijiang said, "madam, you can decide which one you like. If the place is more, our store also provides delivery."

Mrs. Xu nodded, "HMM."

Although Chi Zijiang spoke a little more, it was harmless, and several ladies could accept it.

Qixingyun and Xie Shu are busy moving large and small pots of meat to the shelf.

Xie Shu accidentally took off his hand when he was carrying a lot of meat, and a large basin in the shape of a coconut fell straight down.

Xie Shu let out a cry of fright.

Under such circumstances, we should have been unable to return to heaven.

As a result, Qi Xingyun Leng, who was holding gardenia flowers on one side, swept his toes quickly and caught up.

A pot of jade dew and meat fell steadily on his cloth shoe surface.

Chi Ziyu and others had long been startled by Xie Shu\'s sound.

Therefore, the scene of qixingyun rescue site fell into the eyes of these people.

In the blink of an eye, some people don\'t even know what happened.

Xie Shu himself was stunned for a long time before he reacted and took back much meat.

When he was shocked, he exclaimed, "brother-in-law, you are really good at this Kung Fu. I thought this pot of meat was destroyed by me."

Qixingyun gently pursed his lips and carried his Gardenia into the shop.

"That tall and thin man is your husband." Mrs. Xu asked Chi Ziyu clearly.

"Yes." Chi Ziyu replied in a daze.

That scene just now also frightened her.

Although it won\'t cause much loss, that situation can be described by one word: emergency.

Mrs. Xu nodded approvingly, "your husband has good skills. Have you practiced there before?"

"No, I usually work in the field and occasionally go hunting in the mountains. I may have figured it out by myself." Late roe path.

"Oh, well, your husband really has some skills. I think he can be a yard guard with such Kung Fu."

"Madam, you\'re right. I\'ll tell you, my brother-in-law has great strength. He\'s strong when he hits people. Three or five big men can\'t beat him." Chi Zijiang hurriedly smiled.

"Well, that\'s really great."

"I said earlier that my brother-in-law would come to the city to deliver goods. After all, it\'s easier to make money in the city. If you can earn a few money by guarding that three-thirds of an acre in the countryside, it\'s good to have enough to eat, madam." Chi Zi Jiang Youdao.

"You\'re right."

Chi Zijiang was excited and boasted to Mrs. Xu, "madam, you have seen the world and understand more than us..."

spout eloquent speeches.

Chi Ziyu waited for Qi Xingyun to put the flowerpot, walked over and asked, "aren\'t you hurt?"

Qi Xingyun shook his head, "I\'m fine. Don\'t worry."

"Such a heavy basin fell down... Your feet don\'t hurt? Let\'s go to the inner room to have a look. First, if we get any injury, we\'ll go to the doctor\'s shop to buy some medicine later."