My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 401

"Moreover, our family also planted many large plates of meat. Because we were too big, we kept it at home and didn\'t send it."

"Big dish? Is it planted with a lot of meat?"

"Well, yes, they look like cabbage in the field." Chi Ziyu joked.

Mrs. Xu smiled, "look what you said. It\'s easy to grow cabbages with more meat. It\'s not good to grow cabbages without some skills. You can grow the land so well at a young age. It\'s really powerful."

"Madam, you\'re joking. We often find out. We also experienced many failures before planting more meat. Just remember the lesson and don\'t make it again next time."

"Why don\'t we go to their village together in a few days?" The third Mrs. Li also said.

They should be better friends with similar interests. Today, they made an appointment to come together and wait for the meat of Chi Ziyu.

"Of course."

"I can too."

"Then I\'ll prepare a table of good wine and dishes, and there\'s a lot of meat at home. Ladies must appreciate it when you come." Chi Ziyu smiled.

"What\'s your name, little lady?"

"My name is Chi Ziyu. Madam, just call me Xiaoyu."

"If you ladies don\'t know the way, you can come to our shop to find me. I\'ll take you there. This little fish is my sister. Yunshui village is also my mother\'s house. I know the way best." Chi Zijiang finally found the opportunity to intervene.

"Well, I\'ll let you lead the way next time."

Chi Zijiang smiled happily and said generously, "ladies, don\'t stand and be careful that your feet are tired. The meat is sent to the shop. Everyone comes in and has a look."


Chi Ziyu and Chi Zijiang took three ladies into the shop to see how meaty they were, and followed by a few small servant girls with low eyebrows.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t hurry to go, so he introduced his fleshy varieties and habits to them, and roughly talked about the basic breeding methods.

The ladies nodded with satisfaction.

Huang Fu, the most well-dressed lady, said, "we have also planted some meat in our house, but each meat looks like a big fool. It\'s no more smart and interesting than your family."

It\'s rare for someone to describe the fleshy of late fish like this.

Smart and interesting? In short, the fish eyes are full of meat, just like Xiao Wang.

"Madam, you don\'t know. My sister has her own set of heart sutras for growing meat. Few people in our river city have her ability." Chi Zijiang said.

"Your sister is great, and you are also great. Your sisters live in the city and the country. They have such a good relationship. It\'s really enviable." Xu Fu is humane.

Chi Zijiang and Chi Ziyu both smiled.

The feelings between brothers and sisters.

Before starting a family, it is the purest. After starting a family, they have their own interests and trade-offs. They all hide their selfishness.

Having common interests is a good sister, icing on the cake.

If there is a conflict of interests, it means that there may be a big fight.

It\'s ok now. Chi Ziyu and Chi Zijiang move around more, communicate more, and win-win because of business. In addition, they are close sisters in the end, and their relationship is much better than before.

"Eh, this fleshy one looks good. It looks like a Chlorophytum and hangs down." Xu Fu said, "I haven\'t seen this kind of variety. It\'s really nice."