My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 403

"No, I\'m really fine. There are several pots in the car. I\'ll move them down."

Qixingyun refused to let Chi Ziyu look at his feet and went to move the flowerpot.

Chi Ziyu is also very helpless.


The ladies are all generous. They bought most of the goods sent by Chi Ziyu this time and said they were kept in the flower house at home.

Before leaving, he said he would buy it here next time. I hope there will be more new varieties of chizi fish.

Expensive families like them never care about money, but novelty.

Ordinary flowers and plants are tired of seeing, so they think of ways to see new ones.

The appearance of various kinds of meat really amazes the ladies who have long been numb to flowers and trees.

Fleshy is a flower, but not a flower.

Fleshy is grass, but not grass.

It is a very special existence.

Cultivated carefully, it can bloom into the shape of flowers, grow very full, and often grow all year round.

More tenacious than flowers, but the demand for growth is not so casual.

Ladies are generally interested in meat and are willing to spend money to enjoy it.

Chi Ziyu knows that in the next few years, as long as she can open the meat market, the business will not lose, but also make a steady profit.

Meat itself is an existence that caters to the public and has a broad audience.

Up to senior officials and nobles, down to the common people.


Send those ladies away. Chi Ziyu has time to be busy with her.

Check the price list of the newly delivered meat, check the accounts of the sold plants and collect the money.

Chi Zijiang watched her check and kept saying, "little fish, you are really good at making money with a few pots of meat. You can make so many dignitaries and dignitaries.

Let me tell you, I just heard them say that among the ladies who just came, one of them, Mrs. Xu, is still the sister of our city master. She likes to raise flowers and grass most on weekdays.

If you think about it, what kind of good flowers and grass do you have in your family? Is it her poor eyesight or your good workmanship? "

Chi Ziyu silently calculated the figures on the account, freed up half his head to think and replied, "my craft is good?"

"Yes!" Chi Zijiang envied Chi Ziyu. "Today\'s silver selling meat is as low as half a month\'s income in our store."

Chi Ziyu smiled faintly, "maybe things are rare."

"Not really." Chi Zijiang said, "you say there are only a few flower and bird shops in our city. People only sell flowers and grass, not much meat. After all, everyone likes flowers and grass. Who wants to grow meat and make a fortune? Only you can think of these crooked ways."

"As long as you can make money, it\'s not a crooked way."

Chi Zijiang blinked, "little fish, you\'ve made a lot of money recently."

"Raising more meat costs a lot of cost and effort, one hard work and one harvest."

"No matter how much, do we still have to pay more rent for opening a shop? Little fish, I tell you, the rent of our store has risen again. I\'ve worked hard to help you sell more meat, and the share I received is not enough for us to pay the monthly rent... Alas..."

Chi Ziyu paused and said with a nice smile, "why don\'t you mention it again..."

"Ten percent." Chi Zijiang is grounded fast.

Chi Ziyu thought about it, and some couldn\'t make up their mind.