My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 076

After a short surprise, Wang didn\'t think so. "Just buy it. Can I confiscate it?"

Guo Jinlian was unconvinced. "Mom, you haven\'t given me money to buy clothes yet..."

"Money... I know to ask for money every day. I didn\'t see that today\'s third child spent so much money on books and Peier bought clothes. How can I have the money left to buy clothes for you!"

"The old three go back to the city to buy books, and shuipei goes back to buy clothes. I go back to the city to see you buy them. I only give two steamed buns for lunch..."

As for such differential treatment!

Guo Jinlian had to complain, but Wang\'s fierce eyes scared her back.

Guo Jinlian looked wronged and muttered, "now the fourth is good to his daughter-in-law. Even your mother is partial to the fourth sister-in-law..."

Wang\'s face suddenly changed. "Get away! Don\'t run in my eyes!"

Guo Jinlian was so frightened that she quickly slipped away.

After walking half way, he was still unwilling. He simply went to qishuipei to say this. He also added that the old four bought a lot of good things today.

Qi shuipei was a little unbalanced when he felt the first shock.

She couldn\'t bear to see other women in the family lead a better life than her.

"Shui Pei, fourth sister-in-law, she is now the best one in our family except you. She has old four in pain, and my mother is reluctant to take care of her. After that, she doesn\'t have to climb up to your little sister-in-law..."

Qishuipei angrily grabbed the handkerchief in his hand: "wait, I\'ll clean her up!"

The next day, qishuipei went to find the stubble of Chi Ziyu.

Qixingyun is not at home. Chi Ziyu is sewing clothes in the house.

Qishuipei quietly pushed the door in. "Fourth sister-in-law, I heard you pulled a lot of cloth back yesterday. I came to ask you for some cloth."

Chi Ziyu looked at the work in his hand and didn\'t lift his head. "What do you want to do with cloth?"

"What else can you do? Just make clothes for yourself like you. You can buy cloth to make clothes yourself. Why can\'t I..."

"All right, how much?"

"Three feet."

"Make an IOU first."

When Qishui peideng changed his face, "I asked you for a few pieces of cloth. It\'s only a few Wen. At least we\'re all a family. It\'s good for you to ask me for an IOU. You\'re not ashamed to say it!"

Chi Ziyu said coldly, "I bought this cloth fifty Wen a foot, three feet, a total of 150 Wen. It\'s not cheap.

As you said, we are all a family. All the money qixingyun made was given to my mother. My own private money was used to buy cloth for myself.

If I give you all these 150 Wen, who will subsidize me? Will you? Anyway, I won\'t change money myself. "

"You!" Qishuipei was almost choked to death by her. After a long time, he reluctantly said, "OK! Isn\'t it an IOU? I\'ll ask my third brother to write you a note, and you give me the cloth first."

"I\'ll send it to you and ask my third brother to write an IOU."

Qishuipei was speechless, staring at Chi Ziyu\'s eyes and getting angry.

Chi Ziyu didn\'t care. Wu cut three feet of cloth by himself. He really urged Qi shuipei to go out together.

Chi Ziyu locked the door just in case.

Qi duocai is reading the script in the room with relish.

When Chi Ziyu knocked at the door, he didn\'t feel guilty about being a thief, so he spread out his book openly.

Anyway, no one at home can read. They don\'t know what they are reading.

"Who?" Qiduo came to open the door.