My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 075

Only Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun got off the scooter, and the others moved in the other direction.

"That girl is so generous just now. Take a car and give us a piece of cake..." the man driving smiled.

"What\'s sitting next to her is his husband. It\'s really impersonal. He\'s stretched his face since taking the bus. He hasn\'t seen him laugh, let alone speak..." it\'s humane.

"Such a good girl is really suffering when she marries that kind of man..."

"Not necessarily. You didn\'t see that the man went down first when he got off the bus just now. He didn\'t forget to help the girl down. I don\'t know how considerate it is..." someone who observed carefully interrupted.

The Qijia people also wandered all day today, but they came back before the Chi Ziyu.

Therefore, as soon as Chi Ziyu and Qi Xingyun entered the door, Guo Jinlian, who was waiting for the rabbit, welcomed them.

"Sister in law, what did you buy on the street today?"

Why is she always so shameless

Chi Ziyu replied with an extremely perfunctory smile, "I didn\'t buy anything, just bought clothes and cloth..."

"Oh! You still have money to buy clothes and cloth? Where did you get the money?"

Chi Zi fish noodles don\'t change color. "I brought them from my mother\'s house. Where else can they be?"

"My sister-in-law is also true. You can\'t hide the money at home. You have to give it to your mother. What do you want to buy? Just ask your mother for money. You hide it so that your mother knows what to think..." Guo Jinlian deliberately used her biggest voice.

Wang, who was looking for hens to lay eggs in the back room, heard the sound.

But she didn\'t show up directly. She just hid in the dark to inquire about the situation.

She is fighting with Chi Ziyu every day

Chi Ziyu sneered, "the second sister-in-law said so, which means that all the money your mother gave you was given to your mother?"

"That\'s not."

"Are you sure?"

Guo Jinlian was very guilty when she stared at her suspiciously, "... Otherwise there could be fake. Alas! What do you care so much about, brother and sister? Didn\'t you buy clothes today? Take it out and show me how it looks."

Chi Ziyu said with a straight face, "what\'s good? I\'ll show you in a few days."

Guo Jinlian\'s head went all the way to qixingyun\'s full bamboo basket, "sister-in-law, you\'ve bought a lot of things! The basket is full. I think it\'s more than clothes and cloth!"

"I just pulled a few more pieces of cloth. What else do you think I can buy..."

"If you don\'t show me, I don\'t know if you pulled more cloth..."

Chi Ziyu was almost laughed by the man\'s brazenness.

Just about to open his mouth and go back, qixingyun has pulled her into the house, "what do you do with so much nonsense with her."

Guo Jinlian chased up, "old four, just show me. You won\'t lose a piece of meat. I think you are guilty of being a thief."

Qixingyun suddenly stopped and turned back: "say it again."

Guo Jinlian shivered with the cold eyes of Shangqi Xingyun.

Shaking his head like a rattle, "I suddenly remembered that I still had work to do. I went to work..."

Then he fled.

It\'s no use talking to such people.

It\'s a pity that Chi Ziyu doesn\'t have the aura of qixingyun. Otherwise, he would have used this move long ago. Do you still need to be hypocritical!

Guo Jinlian went back and made a small report to Wang.

Wang had long known that Chi Ziyu had bought clothes and cloth, but he still pretended not to know for a moment.