My Prince Has Farmlands

Chapter 077

"Third brother, I want to ask you for help." Chi Ziyu came straight to the point, "Shui Pei said I asked me to borrow three feet of cloth. Please give me an IOU."

Qiduocai glanced at qishuipei and saw her gloomy face, her face black and frightening.

"OK... OK." It\'s hard to refuse anything.

He turned into the room, took out a pen and paper, put it on his dinner table and began to write an IOU.

Before writing, Chi Ziyu solemnly reminded, "third brother, you must write carefully. Although I can\'t write, I can read."

This is half true and half false. Chi Ziyu didn\'t go to school. Where can he recognize a few words.

At most, when her brother came back from school, he would show off what he had learned in front of her from time to time, and she would recognize those words.

Qiduocai suddenly had some night sweat. He wiped the corner of his forehead, "I\'ll write well."

After finishing the pen carefully, Qi duocai looked at his written IOU with satisfaction and looked at Chi Ziyu again.

"Is that possible?"

Chi Ziyu took the note and studied it for a while.

In fact, if you don\'t know big characters, you know your name.

But the familiar aura still has to be pretended.

Qi shuipei and Qi duocai were stunned because they didn\'t find her cheating.

So Qi shuipei\'s heart is beating drums.

After a while, Chi Ziyu nodded slowly, "yes, shuipei just press a handprint."

Qishuipei was almost not angry with her, "Chi Ziyu, don\'t deceive people too much!"

Chi Ziyu glanced at her lightly, "why, don\'t you like it?"

"Bah! I don\'t want your rag!"

Qi shuipei shook his face and left, "leave you with your own shroud!"

This woman, do you want to talk so disgusting

However, Chi Ziyu\'s face was calm as usual and did not refute.

Throw the IOU back to Qi duocai, "the IOU is invalid."

Qishuipei ate a lot of shriveled fish here recently.

Obviously, every time she disgusted Chi Ziyu, the shameless Chi Ziyu disgusted her!

Qi shuipei is so angry!

She hates Chi Ziyu\'s sister-in-law in her heart!

Therefore, when Wang proposed to introduce her foreign niece Xu Bingbing to Qi Xingyun, Qi shuipei agreed with both hands and feet.

"Bingbing\'s mother Mei Niang and I are cousins. When we were girls, we had a very good relationship, but later we both got married and had homes, so we didn\'t have much contact.

This time she came because there was a famine there. She wanted to come to Jiangcheng Panjian shop and do some small business.

But now I haven\'t found a place to stay, so I want to come to our house for a while.

Mei Niang is also a poor person. She was widowed when she was young. She raised a girl so old alone. If she were someone else, she would have been looking for life and death... "

Wang\'s tone was particularly moving when he talked about her old sister.

I can\'t see the harshness in ordinary days.

"How old is Xu Bingbing?" Qi shuipei asked.

"As old as the fourth daughter-in-law." Wang said, "it\'s still very beautiful. It\'s more than enough to match the old four."

Qishuipei was not very happy when he heard that others looked good.

But at the thought that the girl was disgusted by her mother, qishuipei was very comfortable.

"Then let her live in our house. Let her sleep with her fourth sister-in-law and her fourth brother outside."

This unreliable proposal was naturally opposed by Chi Ziyu later.